Chapter 16: Misunderstandings

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Carina's point of view

I walked to get breakfast and realized I never got what maya wanted. I know she doesn't have her phone yet so I just went to the cafe to see. I became frustrated quickly because I don't know her well enough to just choose something right now and I'm emotional from the whole evening. My rounds were done so I just sat at the cafe and held my head in my hands fighting tears. "Carina?" I heard Arizona coming up and sitting by me. "Is it maya? I just heard she's doing great!" "Yes, but not for that reason. I was so scared I was going to lose her and I've only known her for 2 weeks. I just am so frustrated and I don't know what food to get her!" I began to cry and Arizona pulled me into a hug. "It's okay carina. She's going to be fine but you have a right to be scared. I knew Callie for like 1 week before I told her I loved her." I laughed and laid my head on her shoulder. Arizona put her arm around me and said, "Callie said maya is great. I'm happy for you. Tell her how you feel and open up. I know you said she's fragile emotionally but you have to be able to talk freely to her. If she's not where you are that's okay but your hurting and need her." I began to cry again. "Your right. We need to talk and eat and then sleep. I'm so hungry and tired and feel everything so deeply. I should get going." As I sat up and stood up Arizona gave me a hug and I turned around. I saw maya in a wheelchair with Warren and she looked so angry and like she was going to cry. "Maya! Are you okay?" She ignored me and asked Warren to turn her around. " Captain I'll follow your orders but right now I'm not comfortable being in the middle of this. Carina you got this?" "Yes Warren thank you. Maya, what are you so angry about?" "What! Carina you were just snuggled up to some woman and gave her a hug. Are you fucking her too?!" She was loud so a few people turned around. "Maya please lower your voice, other doctors are here." She scoffed, "fine. Who is she?" "That's Arizona Robbins, head of peds. Also, callies wife." "So you're sleeping with a married woman?" "No. Shit, maya. I'm not sleeping with her. I never have. She's married and has a 10 year old. I would never cheat on you or be the other woman. She's my best friend and was comforting me because I was upset. But you don't seem to care about that." I replied annoyed and on the verge of tears. "Damn. Carina; I'm sorry. I just. I don't know we just became official and I got jealous. I'm not good at this. Can we talk now?" I sat down by her. "Yes, but I need to eat and so do you. Let's get food first." I pushed her over to order and we got our food and went up to my office. We did so in complete silence and I was still pissed off at her reaction. She can't be the only one to be hurting and then lash out at me.

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