Chapter 24: Ready

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Carina's point of view
I've always loved working. The rush you get in an emergency and the thrill of surgery. It's complex and moving. today I want so badly to feel that but I miss maya and I'm worried for her. I'm afraid she's not telling me everything but maybe she's not ready to with herself either. I'll give her some time to work this out and be available for her. I don't want to push her too hard too soon. Therapy should help her too. I was startled out of my thoughts with a sharp knock on my door. "Come in!" I shouted from my desk. I have been working on paperwork and getting appointments set up for some new mamas this morning. To my surprise my beautiful girlfriend poked her head in. "Hi baby!" She said. "Come in Bambina!" I said standing from my desk. I met her by the door and kissed her. "I missed you today." I told her." "I can tell, that kiss said a lot babe." I pulled back and looked at her. "Where's your sling?!" "I'm done with it!" She said wrapping her arms around my waist. "I've missed being able to hold you like this." "I have too bella. How were your appointments?" I melted into her embrace as she wrapped her arms tighter around me. I truly didn't realize how much I needed this. "They we're both good. Physical therapy was very encouraging. I have more exercises to push myself a little bit more. She told me I should go on lots of walks now. Therapy was good and challenging. I would love to tell you more later when your off about it. I also have good news..." she trailed off not finishing but smirking at me like a fool. I laughed, "maya all of that sounds so good what other good news is there?" "Well baby. Callie gave me a new painkiller that is better for what I need and she said that it will help me to have sex. To not be in pain." I tried to stop my quickening heartbeat but she's so close I'm sure she notices. "Really? So..." "So if you're up for it I would like to have sex tonight, but if not I understand." I cut her off saying, "yes! I mean, yeah I would like to." This made us both laugh. She kissed me tenderly and it grew more passionate. She pulled away to say, "but not now. You need to focus on work and Andy is waiting for me downstairs. I'm going to go say hi to everyone and then I'm going home to nap. Andy is going to come over after she's off at 2 to hangout too. So I won't be alone much today. When do you think you'll be home?" "That sounds fun Bambina. I'll be home around 6 today as long as nothing crazy happens. I love you." "I love you too babe. I'll see you at home." She left with a kiss leaving me wanting her. I can't believe she dropped that news now and expects me to focus on work. The rest of the day went quickly though and as I was leaving I ran into Arizona and Callie. "Hey carina! Are we still on for dinner tonight?" Arizona asked me. "I am so sorry I totally slipped my mind of it. Maya and I made plans but we could still do dinner! I am so so sorry." "That's okay, you've both been busy and preoccupied. We could just have pizza delivered and hangout? Maya can drink now with her new meds too!" Callie answered. "Yeah, that's perfect. I'll call Maya and remind her but she will love this." I called maya and got her voicemail, she must still be with Andy and not be paying attention. I left a voicemail and a text explaining the situation and headed that way. We arrived at Maya's house at the same time.

Maya's point of view
Once Andy left this afternoon I took a long bath and shaved to prepare for tonight. I plan to have sex all night long. It's been 3 weeks since my injury and I've missed sex so much. Sex with carina is the best thing ever and it's been so hard to wait but I've been in so much pain. I decided to just wear a black lace bralette and matching panties to wait for carina in. She should be home any minute. I was just sitting on the couch when I heard the door open and I heard carina talking to someone. Was she on the phone? "Hey Bambina! Callie and Arizona are here for dinner." Shit. Oh my god, no. "Wait!" I could hear everyone stop walking in the entryway. I ran to the bedroom before they could see me and closed the door. I could hear carina mumble something and then heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" "It's me, maya what's going on?" I could hear carina on the other side. I opened the door and allowed her in without anyone else seeing me. As soon as the door closed I could feel Carina's eyes on my body and hear her breath hitch. "Wow maya I see why you ran off. You look amazing." She said as she came closer to touch me. She ran her fingertips up my arms giving me goosebumps and kissed my neck. "Did you not get my texts Bambina?" "No! My phone died and it's been charging. I didn't even think to check it." "I'm sorry bella. I forgot we made dinner plans with them and I told them we could just order in for dinner now. I see you had other plans for us though..." she trailed off allowing her hands to wander. "Baby, I love this but I should get dressed so we can have dinner. We can have dessert later." I kissed her hard but quick. "Can you leave this on though? The thought of knowing what you have on while they're here really turns me on." I smirked and nodded. While carina went to make some excuse for my behavior I put in a pair of jeans with holes in them and a AC/DC shirt with a denim jacket. I threw on some red lipstick and brushed my hair quickly. I joined the others in the living room and was greeted with such kind hugs.

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