Chapter 21: Never Have I Ever

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Carina's point of view

It was Maya's turn, "never have I ever had someone do a body shot on me." We all 3 put a finger down. Vic said, "seriously, that's like every college girls life. What did you do?!" "Focus. Run, study. Stress out." "Sounds like maya." Andy said. We laughed. "Bambina, would you like to change that?" I asked with one eyebrow raised. Her cheeks turned a little red, "um here? Now?" "YES!" Vic said. Andy went to get the tequila, lime, and some salt. "Lay down here maya. It will be fine I promise." "It will be sexy as hell." Added Vic. Maya laid down where I told her to and I pulled her shirt up exposing her stomach. I took the tequila from Andy and poured to fill Maya's belly button. "That feels so weird." Maya said. I licked right above her belly button seductively and added the salt to the wet spot. I could tell this was already turning her on, so I decided to put on a show. I took the piece of lime and placed it in Maya's mouth. "Ready Bambina?" "Hell yeah." Maya said. We laughed at how eager she was now compared to before. "3,2,1, go!" They chanted. I leaned down and slowly licked the salt off and then quickly drank the liquor. When I went to take the lime from Maya's mouth I choose to straddle her and take it from her and then tossed it aside to kiss her again with tongue. This was awarded with a whistle and clapping from Vic and Andy. Maya was flushed and I could tell her turned on. I climbed off and helped her sit up. "Wow, well I think we should do that more often." She said. I kissed her, "anytime." "That was so hot, maya you good? Damn." Vic said. "I'm great, too bad that one isn't true anymore. Carina it's your turn baby." "Um. To keep the sex theme I guess, never have I ever faked an orgasm." Maya winked at me but her and the others put a finger down. "Wait, so never? Have you had great sex or have you just not faked it?" Vic asked. "I've never had to fake it. I guess being with all women and just one man makes that a little easier. Women know what you need and will stop at nothing to get you there. And I guess the guy was just that attentive. So the sex is just that good." I replied laughing. "I have faked way too many. At some point I just give up them trying and fake it to make it end." "That's a shame Andy, sex should be beautiful. And a journey with your partner." "Damn, maya sex must be great with this one." Vic said. "Oh, it's a journey for sure. A very sweaty, exhausting, beautiful, orgasm filled journey." Maya replied. They girls laughed and I just gave her a look to agree. "Okay okay. Enough about how great the sex is. I'm getting jealous. Vic your up." "Okay, never have I ever given or received a lap dance." Maya and Andy put their fingers down but I didn't. "For real, never either of you?! It's amazing you have to do it." Andy said. I shook my head, "I'm not much or a dancer really and I would rather receive this one." Maya got a look on her face. "Well Andy, we could change this one too. I'll give carina a lap dance and you can give Vic one." Andy laughed, "okay, what song?" She asked getting out her phone and connecting it to a speaker. I blushed slightly at the thought of maya dancing seductively was getting me very wet. I crossed my legs and it caught Maya's eye. Now she knew the effect it was having on me. "Lay in my bed by tony sway." It came on and maya stood in front of me and wiggled her eyebrows. "Ready baby?" I nodded. She leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Baby I know you're already wet but I need you to uncross your legs for me." I did and held back a moan. It is so sexy when she talks like this.

Maya's point of view

I could tel how turned on carina was right now. Between talking about sex, the body shot, and how this she is going to struggle. The song had just begun and carina had uncrossed her legs finally. I only have one arm to use but I can work with this. I can use my whole body. I pulled my hoodie off and stayed in the shirt that my nipples showed through. She swallowed hard and her eyes went straight to my nipples. "Maya this is a lap dance not a strip tease." Andy said laughing. It broke us both from our trance slightly reminding us we weren't alone. I climbed onto her lap to straddle her and kissed her neck. I began to grind to the music and body rolled into her. I turned around and bent over. I slowly rolled back up and spread my legs. I leaned back into her and carina put her arms around my waist and pulled my hair away from my neck to kiss me. I stood up and walked behind her chair. I ran my hand down her front briefly touching her breast. I walked back around to the front of her chair and squatted down in front of her and as I slowly stood up I stuck my ass out and touched my breasts as I did. Carina pulled me into her lap to sit and kissed me passionately and pushed her tongue into mix with my own. I moaned quietly and was pulled out of my trance with clapping. Andy was sitting in vics lap and they were both watching. "That was a great lap dance Andy but maya definitely showed you up." "Sorry I wouldn't kiss you, just not into girls like that." They both laughed and I could tell maya was a little embarrassed. I kissed her quickly and whispered in her ear, "don't be embarrassed Bambina, this was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. I'm so wet I'm going to have to change soon." I nipped at her ear slightly and let her go. We all returned to the couches. "Well that heated things up a lot. Man I need to get laid soon." Vic said. "Okay, let's finish this round and then we can talk about how you haven't had sex in 6 months." Andy teased. We all laughed. "Well sorry I'm the only one not getting laid regularly!" "I think I'm next" said maya. "Never have I ever had a threesome." Carina put a finger down but no one else. "After tonight I'm not surprised at all." Andy said. I made eye contact, "with who carina?" I asked. "Well.... My ex girlfriend and I had a good friend who was bisexual and asked if we were interested in a third. we talked about it and decided it would be hot to try it. Long story short they're married now." We all gasped. "No way, I'm so sorry baby." I said placing my hand on her thigh, I could feel how hot she was there but ignored it. "It's okay, I'm better off now. I don't think I would do it again. But it was very hot." "Wow. Carina your like a sex god!" Vic said causing us to laugh. "Okay okay. It's my turn Andy said. "Never have I ever had to hide a hickey." We all out a finger down and laughed. "How have all of you?!" Vic replied, "I guess your just careful dude." "Or do you not like having your neck kissed?" Carina asked. "Well maybe both. Kissed sure but I'm not into someone sucking or biting my neck." I made eye contact with carina and we smiled knowing we both like those things. "I believe I'm last said carina. I ever have I ever been walked in on while having sex." Maya and Andy both put a finger down and laughed together. "I know for a fact they've walked in on each other while they were roommates!" Vic said. "I have to hear this!" Carina said. "Well it's not much of a story. But I walked in on maya and some girl from 26 in bed together right when we graduated from the academy. That's how she came out to me I guess." Maya pushed her shoulder. "You suck at knocking!" "We had plans, I didn't know they involved screwing 26! And you're bad at knocking too which is why you walked in on me." "At least when you walked in on me we were butt ass naked in the shower. I really didn't need to see some guys dick." "Wait, Why we're tou walking into the bathroom with someone in it?" Carina asked. "I t was normal for us to share the bathroom late at night and she was so quiet I didn't even notice them at first." Vic spoke up, " I haven't heard that before! How did you not know there was a man in the shower with her." " I was really focused on brushing my teeth!" We all laughed and then carina spoke up, "this was so fun thank you for coming over! We have to do this again soon!" We all agreed and said our goodbyes.

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