Chapter 25: Double Date

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Arizona point of view
When maya had shut the door carina went to check on her obviously concerned. Maybe tonight wasn't a good night and she wasn't ready to meet us for dinner. Thankfully she let carina in but we couldn't hear what was going on. Callie and I exchanged a look. We decided to sit on the couch and wait to see what happens. "Do you think we should go?" I asked Callie. She put her arm around me. "Not yet. Today was good for maya I'm sure it's nothing bad." She waited for about 5 minutes before carina came back out. "Sorry ladies. Maya just wasn't fully dressed and didn't get my texts that you were coming over." "Oh good, I'm glad she's okay! Do you want to open the wine we brought?" "Si! Gratsi! We are running low on wine with maya not having any I haven't had much either. But tonight we can drink together." Carina went to open the wine and we went with her to the kitchen. "How was your first day back carina?" I asked my sweet Italian friend. "It was good, I was honestly a little worried for maya but she is doing so well now. I'm excited for her progress. Callie you are helping her so much thank you!" "Only the best for friends of mine!" We heard the door open and maya come out looking very cute and without a sling. "Maya! No sling anymore?" I asked while gently hugging her. She hugged me back tighter. "Thanks to this wonderful wife of yours I'm free from it and feeling amazing." She hugged Callie and we all got our wine and ordered pizza. We talked and enjoyed the night. "So maya, carina hasn't told us how you met and I would love to hear!" "Um... well we met at Joe's I guess." "Seriously? Details maya. No great relationship starts with just meeting at Joe's. What else happened?" I could see them share a look. Now I had to know. "Well. I introduced myself because she was so beautiful I couldn't believe someone so gorgeous was so close to me." Carina added to the story thankfully something else which caused maya to roll her eyes and maya chimed in "but I had just had a horrible day and was planning to drink alone. I told her this but thankfully this stubborn Italian goddess didn't take no for an answer. So we talked a little..." "that is a lie maya and you know it! You didn't want to talk at all." Maya blushed and gave carina a knowing look. "They are our friends, we can tell them the actual story." They laughed. "Okay, so far that's true but when carina introduced herself to me she said she was good company but even though I didn't want to talk." Carina continued the story, "so I told her I just needed her name to know what name I would be screaming that night." I gasped and covered my mouth. "Damn carina that was so bold of you!" "I thought so too" maya added with a wink. "Then she did exactly what she said didn't she?" I asked. We all laughed and carina nodded. "So you essentially had a one night stand turn into a relationship?" Callie asked. "Yeah, that pretty much it." Carina said. "How did you and Callie meet?" Maya asked me. "Well, we met at Grey Sloan. Callie was so sexy and I had seen her in the hospital and was drawn to her. I asked her out in the elevator and she told me she would let me know. But before the elevator doors closed she popped her head back on to say yes." Callie blushed and we all laughed at this. "I didn't want to seem so eager but she was so sexy how could I say no?!" "We went on a date and the rest is history." "So we're you friends first or just knew each other from work?" Carina asked. "Oh we were never friends, we went straight from Just knowing who each other read to quickly lovers. Now our relationship hasn't been smooth sailing with no issues, but we always push through. Now with Sofia we have coparenting and our own marriage to work on."

Callie's point of view
The night had gone on with great conversation. Maya really is great and Carina seems so happy with her. I hope it works out for these two, we can be the only lgbtq power couple in the hospital anymore! I could see us being great friends with them. We decided to watch a movie together that had such good ratings for lgbtq films. It was very steamy though and I could tell everyone was a little turned on by it, including myself. Arizona had been drawing circles on my thigh under the blanket for quite some time now and god knows what the others are doing under theirs. Arizona's hand kept wandering higher and I couldn't believe how much this was stirring her up. I leant forward and whispered, "baby if you keep that up we aren't going to be able to wait until we're home for this." She nodded her head and pushed her hand a little higher and in order to stifle my moan I had to readjust my body and kiss the top of her head. She knew what she was doing to me. I saw that the movie was almost over and whispered again, "looks like car sex is in order for tonight?" She nodded and grinned up at me knowing what would be coming tonight. As the movie finished we peeled ourselves off each other before folding the blanket. The other two looked like how we felt. Turned on and having to wait for the other couple to go. "Thanks so much for this ladies, we are so excited for another date night! Maybe not with such a steamy movie though, that was hard to sit through and to keep my hands to myself!" Arizona explained causing us all to laugh. The blush on my cheeks gave away that she didn't entirely keep her hands to herself. "Maya seems to be struggling with the same thing." Carina laughed in knowing exactly what was happening with all of us. We hugged them goodbye and headed to the car unable to stop touching and kissing each other the entire way.

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