Chapter 17: Going Home

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Maya's point of view

Shit. I've messed up big time and can tell we're about to have our first fight. Probably a big one too. As we got into her office she took out our food and cut mine so I could feed myself with my left hand. I started to speak but she said, "after food." We ate and as she sipped her coffee she gave me a look telling me I could begin. "Carina. I fuck. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I got so defensive. She was hot and I got jealous because we didn't really talk through being in a relationship and if we would see other people. And I'm so sorry you must have been so scared yesterday with everything and I neglected how you've been feeling this whole time. I was selfish and I want to make this right." She began to cry and I tried to get closer to her but with one arm I was stuck where I was. "Can you come sit by me please?" I asked. She moved her chair beside me and I pulled her into a hug as she began to sob. I just held her and let her cry and didn't push her. After she began to calm down she sat up but put her hand on my thigh. I sighed a little bit in relief. "Maya, I was so scared. You lied to me and I understand but I don't like that. I understand but I need you to know that I was so scared you would die and that I wasn't with you. I just want to be there for you. I know what it looked like In the cafe and I can ask Arizona to keep some space now if you're uncomfortable with it. I haven't slept with anyone since I met you. Maya you're my end game. I want to be with you forever. I'm in love with you. I feel like I've been keeping all my feelings in so you won't run but I know it's making things harder for both of us. So you don't have to..." "baby I love you too." I replied. "What?" "Carina, I love you too. I want to be with you and only you. It's not too soon for me. You dont have to change anything, I trust you." She kissed me and soon we were making out and getting carried away. "No sex Bambina, sorry." She said pulling away. "What? Why not? I want to be close to you." "I do too, but we're so tired and I don't want to mess your arm up. Callie has to clear you for all activities including sex." I poured and rolled my eyes. "This sucks." She laughed and kissed me before laying her head on my shoulder. "I wish I could hold you but only one arm works." I laughed into her neck. "That's okay, let's go see your team. They're waiting on you. Then we're going to sleep until your surgery tonight." We saw my team and they learned we were officially dating. They were so happy for us and stayed for about an hour before Callie came in and told them they would need to go until tomorrow. "Maya, carina. Surgery is at 4pm. It's already noon, so pre op will be at 3. I suggest you take a nap. No eating before surgery. I'll see you in a few hours." I turned to carina, "can I see Andy first?" "Yes I'll bring her over, you rest. She leaves in a few hours."

Carina's point of view

I walked into Andy's room to find her changed and packing up. "Getting released?" "Yep, doctors cleared me. Why did I see the team but not maya?" Andy asked discouraged. No one was going to tell her until she was leaving because she needed to heal. "Andy maya was injured. She is in the room next door, but.. wait!" Before I could finish she had ran out the door into the next room. I ran after her and found her hugging Maya. "Andy I love you but this hurts!" Andy pulled back in tears. "What happened?!" "I was pulling kids out the back and the shooter saw me and shot me. I had surgery and have another at 4. I'll get to go home in a few days and will need help at home and at the station." "Im cleared to go back to work tomorrow. I can stay with you to help and be acting Captain. How can I help?" I looked over at carina and saw she was distant and looked hurt. "Well I haven't talked to her yet but I was hoping I could stay with my girlfriend for recovery. But I do need you to be acting Captain for 10-12 weeks." Carina looked over with tears in her eyes, like she finally believed I loved her too. "Of course, I can come stay with you. But I'll take help Andy she's going to get grumpy being at home and not working." Andy began laughing. "Sounds like her. We can do stuff as a team and friends. Congrats you two. I should get going. I need to sleep and it looks like you do too before your surgery. I'll come visit tomorrow after my shift." "Please do. Bye Andy." She hugged me and then carina on her way out. "Is it really okay for you to stay with me? I didn't want to ask with someone else and make you feel pressured." "Yes of course Bambina. I'll stay as long as you'll take the help. I think your house will be easier than my apartment with the elevator and distance. Your house is one level. You'll go home without the wheelchair too. Let's sleep and then figure it out." She climbed into bed and was facing me but I told her to turn around. "Why?" "Because I'm going to hold you the best that I can right now." She kissed me and turned around carefully settling into my arms. We slept until 3 when the pre op team came in to get me ready. At 4 I left carina with a kiss. "Callie, promise me your the best and that I'll wake up next to carina. And that if anything happens you'll make sure she is okay." "I'm the best, hands down no one is better. I will; but that won't be needed. Arizona wants to go on double dates with you guys now that we have lesbian friends. I'm not going to kill that dream for her." I laughed, "bisexual friends technically, but understood." "Don't tell her she's the only one of us 4 who hasn't seen a penis. She'll take it too hard. She thinks your a lesbian for sure." We laughed and soon I was under in surgery.

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