Chapter 18: New Friends

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Carina's point of view

I paced in my office waiting for an update. My phone rang, Arizona. "Arizona Any news?" She was watching from the gallery and kicked me out promising to update me every 20 minutes. "Yes, they're closing and it's a success!" "Wow that was quick. No issues?" "Nope, head down to her room and you'll get to see your woman soon." "Thank you!" I ran down to her room as they were pulling her into her recovery suite. Callie updated me on the surgery, "she's exhausted so don't be surprised if she doesn't wake up until morning. Nursed will be in every hour to monitor her. Get some sleep. The chair is a bed too." "Thank you Callie." I hugged her and changed the chair into a bed and quickly was asleep. I woke up to Maya's voice and sunlight in the window. "Baby. Carina. Hey!" She yelled. "Maya, sorry! I was so asleep like a rock." I got out of bed and crawled into hers beside her. "Why didn't you sleep by me?" She pouted. I kissed her and laughed, " honestly, I didn't want the be woken by the nurses every hour and you were out cold so I slept there. But that was only 1 night." I kissed her again. "When can I leave?" "24 hours baby." Okay what time is it now?" "Noon." I can't believe we slept that long. "Are you hungry? I can order some food." "Starving." She looked at me with seductive eyes. "Maya, for food. You've not been cleared to do anything besides walking, eating, and sleeping." "Fine; I'm talking to Callie as soon as she's back. For now food. I really want a good sandwich. And cake?" I laughed, "okay, we can get both at the cafe outside. It will be good to get some sun. Let's get you're clothes on and we'll go." I helped maya out of her hospital gown and into sweatpants. I brushed her breast on accident putting on her sweatshirt and she leaned in to the touch. "Maya!" I laughed as I pulled my hand away. She kissed me and we went to the cafe. Once we were back we took a nap and Callie visited with Arizona before they left for the day. "How are you feeling?" "Tired." I replied. "Well I was talking to maya." We all laughed. "I'm sore but ready to go home. I do have a question." "Of course." Callie sat down and Arizona sat in the arm of the same chair. "Can we have sex?" I almost choked, "Maya. Oh my god." "What she's my doctor and you said it had to be cleared. Soooo..." Callie and Arizona both laughed hard at this. "You can have sex once you are released. Carina will be able to help you know your limits so listen to her. You're free to leave after rounds tomorrow at 8am." Carina gave me a seductive look. "Fine. Tomorrow it is. We need to go to dinner all 4 of us soon!" "Yes, please! I need a lesbian friend." Arizona replied. "Ummm... Arizona. We are both bisexual." "What?! No. I knew you, but maya you gave me lesbian energy." She pouted about it. "Sorry, I've definitely been with guys before." "That doesn't make you bisexual, are you attracted to men?" "Kind of; it's complicated. I'm more attracted to women." "You can argue about her sexual preferences later. For now let's go home and let them rest. See you tomorrow ladies." They both hugged us as the left. I crawled into bed with her and I began to kiss her and before long she pushed her hand between her legs. "Maya, what part about no sex until tomorrow don't you understand?" "I can't have sex, but you can." "Your arm needs to heal baby. Tomorrow. I want to so bad. But I want to make sure you're okay." "Okay, let's sleep I'm so tired already."

Maya's point of view

I have never been so driven by sex as I have being with carina. I feel closer to her then and connected in every way. Also she's freaking sexy. I woke up to her and I'm so horny. Like more than ever and I know I have to leave first and we're in a hospital but I need carina. Now. I pulled the blanket slightly higher to cover us from anyone who could walk in. I pulled her closer to me and while facing her I began to kiss her neck lightly sucking and biting being careful to avoid marks. She began to stir. "Maya?" "Yes baby, who else would be kissing you?" "I'm so out of it, sorry I just wanted to make sure." "So loyal." I began to touch her nipples that were erect from the cold. She moaned lightly and leaned in, forgetting the rules apparently. She reached around and grabbed my ass and pulled one of my legs over hers giving us both a little friction needed. After a second, "wait, maya. We have to wait." "We leave in like an hour, what's it going to hurt?" She groaned and began to kiss me. Passionately. It's been too long since she's kissed me like this. She slipped her hand under my shirt and began to play with my nipple, "yes carina!" All is a sudden there was a knock and the door began to open. Carina pulled her hand out and sat up. "Good morning Dr. DeLuca, Captain bishop." Glasses said as he entered with a group of interns and Owen Hunt. "Congrats on getting out of here. We will see you soon for physical therapy and of course for when you get back Dr. DeLuca." They exited and we signed discharge papers and began to pack up. "What did they mean, when you get back." "Well im taking a week off." "For me?" "Well for both of us. A lot has happened and I want to help you get settled into this change. I also do. Miranda suggested it, more of an order honestly. I'll only be called in for emergencies that no one else can handle." I kissed her on her forehead and pulled her in for a hug. "Thanks for not fighting it. I need you." She hugged me back and nuzzled into my neck a little. This wasn't something I do with anyone ever. Comfort them, open up. Be emotionally available. But with carina I want it all. The good, the bad. The ugly. Even the sappy. "Okay let's finish and get out of here." We got in the car and we're driving home thankfully just 7 minutes to carinas apartment. "I just want to pack a few needed things for your house. I'll come back as needed but I don't even have a toothbrush there." "Carina, so you think this is too rushed? I don't want our relationship to suffer if we aren't ready."  She sat back down in the car and ran her fingers over mg lips. "Bambina, I don't know if we're ready. we aren't moving in together. It's like a really long sleepover. We can do time apart and sleep in different rooms or houses if needed as long as someone else stays with you. I think we will be fine as long as we communicate and respect each other's boundaries and needs." "Okay, do you want some help?" "You can come help by sitting on my bed and being comfy." "Fine, I only have one arm that works right now anyways." We got inside carina apartment and I looked around for once seeing how she was decorating and looking at all her pictures. I stopped at one of her and a boy younger than her with a woman that looked so much like her. "Carina who are they?" She came over and smiled, "the boy is Andrea. He is my little brother who also works at the hospital. He's still learning as a 3rd year residency program. The woman is my mama. She died when I was 20 and Andrea was 15. He had only lived in America for 4 years and I still lived in Italy. I moved here to be with him." "So you're close to him?" "I guess, we fight. A lot, but I love him. My papa is mentally ill and when my parents divorced I stayed with him and went Andrea to be here with my mama. He was only 11 and didn't understand but he does now." I put my arm around her and she leaned her head on my shoulder. " I had no idea carina. I'm so sorry. Is your dad alive still?" "Yes, but he's an angry mentally ill man in Italy. So i see and speak to him very rarely. Andrea is my family. Callie and Arizona as well Now I hope you as well." "Me too. So how long have you lived here?" "I lived in Los Angeles with Andrea from 20-21 while I was in pre-med and Andrea was in high school. When he graduated he wanted to go back to Italy and I did as well. So we came back where he went to college and I finished med school." "How long did it take you to get to being a surgeon?" "Well I did my undergrad in 4 years- 21. Then I did a med school in 4 years- so 25. Then I did a 3 year residency IN OBGYN - 28. Finally I did 3 more years residency in women's health- putting me at 31 to finish." "And you are 34?" "Si, and you are 30" I laughed. "I'm just trying to put it together baby we're still learning each other but we do know ages." "You've been an attending for 3 years then?" " si, for women's health and 6 for OBGYN." "And Andrea is 30 as well then?" "29 but yes turning 30 soon." "I guess I didn't realize until now that you are 4 years older than me." "I am what do you call it... uh a cougar?" "Yes! You got it, and yes you are. But I like that. Older woman, sexy confident." She raised an eyebrow at that and went back to packing. I looked around more and realized I love carinas apartment. "Okay bella ready to go?" "Yes; but can we come hang out here some too?" "Yeah, or course. Do you like it here?" "Yeah. It just. Feels like a home." She kissed me and pulled me out to go back to my house.

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