Chapter 5 || Seven Demigods At Goode

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They had just finished in the hallway and walked to the lockers. Maybe Percy Jackson wasn't as bad as she thought he was. That's when a jock came over.

"Wassup, Percy? Can't wait for the swim game today, bro! Wanna come with me after school today? Renee Baldwin invited all the guys over to her house tonight. I heard, she's a goddess when it comes to--"

"Bryan! Stop talking about this!"

"Why? You love going to girls' houses to party!"

"W-We're in public," Percy said.

"Oh... right. We could get detention... and we can't miss our next swim meet! I heard Renee's having another party after that! Can't miss it Perce. You know that you're the guest of--"

"Bryan... just... stop, please."

"But you're coming, right? All the guys are gonna be there... and you don't wanna lose your bad boy streak! It's attracting every girl in this whole school! And we all know why you're such a bad boy. Well... me and Leo at least."

"I..." Percy trailed off.

Annabeth gave him a look straight into his eyes that said 'don't do it'.

"I'll come," Percy said finally.

"Her mom wouldn't care. She claims it's all about a girl's experience. When you're old and gray you don't remember anything about what happens except for those hot moments. Later bro!"

She turned on him, crossing her arms.

"I told you not to go! Why'd you just do that?!"

"Since when did you become my wife?! I can do what I want, Annabeth! We've only met for two hours and I feel like I'm gonna hate you!"

"Well I'm fine with that!" Annabeth exclaimed. "You're just gonna go around with Renee?"

"Who care's if it's Renee?! You've only been here for two hours and you know nothing about this school! You don't even know any girl in this school or what their reputation is!"

"Well, I know they're probably bitchy if they sleep with every guy in the school!"

"She doesn't sleep with every guy in the school!"

"Then why did she decide to sleep with you?"

"Because I'm the only guy she's been kissing or inviting over with since tenth grade!"

"And why is that? Doesn't she have two guys waiting for her to sleep with them in the next two nights?!"

"No! Because unlike your brain's stereotypes, she promised she'd never sleep with anyone else but me because I'm her boyfriend!"

And like that, Annabeth's voice fell silent. She didn't know why, but she felt like punching Renee in the face. She had no idea why but the idea of them together made her sick. Just the idea of their skin touching each other's skin--you know what? Annabeth need to take a barf break. As she was staring at him, a seriously hot girl walked over.

She had tan skin, she had an hourglass figure, she was still skinny as a stick, she had the perfect face with barely any makeup on, and she was wearing actually something appropriate and not breaking the dress code like Emma, another popular girl.

"Hi baby," the girl said before kissing Percy's cheek and spotting her, "What is this hot mess in front of me?"

"Excuse me?"

"Relax, Renee," Percy said before hugging her and she inhaled into his chest. "Renee, this is Annabeth and Annabeth, this is my girlfriend Renee. Annabeth's new, Renee."

"Oh..." Renee said before tossing her hair back, "Nice to meet you. Come on, Beach Boy. Let's go to Drama class."

Percy gave Annabeth one last look before walking off with Renee, who's arm was around Percy's wrist like a handcuff.


They were now off from school and Piper agreed to come with Annabeth to get Frozen Yogurt at Pinkberry. Of course, she thought every afternoon was a time for girl's talk.

"So? How's having every class with Percy Jackson? Hottie of this whole school?"

"He's annoying, rude, selfish, awful, cute--HE'S A BIG JERK!"

"What? Every girl that's slept with him says he's amazing!"


"Sure he does! The girl pays Renee five hundred dollars, pays Percy five hundred dollars, and they've got him for five hours."

"Seriously?! How do they get that money?!"

"Beg their parents for a new purse and sell it? Some just take the money out of their parent's wallet."

"Have you slept with Percy Jackson before?" Annabeth asked her, curiously.

"Nope!" Piper chirped. "Percy's too good for me. Besides. The competition's too high for a hottie like him. After he dumped his ex-girlfriend, things got ugly when the girls began to fight. And... Perc--"

A trio walked in. One with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, the other with a Chinese look to him with dark hair and dark eyes, and the other with cinnamon locks of hair and golden eyes.

"Hunka hunka..." Piper stared at the blonde, "That blonde is hotter than a frying pan after you try and bake cookies on it before realizing you can't bake things on pans unless you put them in the oven and then you try but end up touching the scorching hot handle..."

Then, Percy and his jock friends along with the cheerleaders and Leo. Annabeth had no words to describe the little senior. And that's when he saw the cinnamon-haired one.

"Oh... is he gonna try and sleep with her now?" Annabeth winced.

"Don't get so mean! He can't help that he's hot!"

"Hazel? Jason?"

"Percy!" she and the blonde ran to him and hugged him.

Percy returned their hug before looking back at her friend.

"How are my favorite cousins? Wait, don't tell Nico or Thalia they'll kill me... Oh... hey... uh... sup new kid? Hazel, Jason, who is your friend?"

"That's Frank. We just moved to New York from California," Jason explained.

"Woohoo!" Percy gave each a clap on the back.

Then, Renee.

"Baby, why don't we go somewhere else?" She eyed Annabeth. "There's fungus in this yogurt shop."

Renee grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the store. Annabeth scoffed and Piper raised an eyebrow.

"Why so... upset?"

"I'm... I'm not upset! I'm totally not upset that he's hanging out with a slut who should probably roll down her skirt once in a while!"

"Mhm..." Piper raised her eyebrows before running over to Jason, Frank, and Hazel, blabbing to them.

How You Changed Me (Demigods In High School AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora