Chapter 47 || Hello, Tartarus. Bye Bye, Tartarus.

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She slashed with all her might, kicking a monster in the face as it tried to punch her. She flipped in the air as one sliced the air under her, stabbing it straight through. She avoided an attack to her neck with her dagger just in time, but she knew they were outnumbered.

"Percy!" she called to him, running over, "They're too much!"

The monsters hissed in delight at my words and she paused, realizing that this might be a good thing.

"No, they're no--" she stopped him.

"We should just give up now," Annabeth said, giving him a wink.

He seemed to catch on, shrugging.

"Yeah," he clutched his side, "I'm gonna die right here."

The monsters cheered in delight.

"Should we just live in the pit?" Annabeth asked, circling around the monsters.

She had Ace wrap in a line around her, tying the unknowing monsters together as she spoke. Percy moved so that he was in front of the river, clenching his fists. When Annabeth grabbed the strings, setting up the knot, one figured it out, throwing two swords at them. She finished tying the knot as it stabbed into her hip. She screamed in agony, pulling the knot as tight as she could to squish the monsters together, making them have no escape.

"ANNABETH!" he yelled, scared for her hip.

Percy moved out of the way, but the sword caught him in the right side of his chest.

"PERCY!" she yelled, but inside, she was just glad it didn't hit the part of his chest where his heart was.

She remembered not to take the sword out, so she ran over to his side as Percy rose the whole river of Misery into a giant hurricane. Annabeth threw rocks and stones into it to form weapons, even throwing a few blades that were clattered on the floor from previous monsters that they had killed. Then, Percy clenched his fists, willing the water to move towards the monsters, who were screaming in fear.

Annabeth could spot an army of monsters marching in the distance. She knew it was now or never. So she ran towards the bundling hunch of monsters, their dust turning the hurricane gold as it twirled and they died. Annabeth stabbed the remaining ones, screaming in agony as the stones and blades battered her arms. Percy was sweating, the water leaking out of him at a bizarre rate.

When the hurricane was gone, the remaining few monsters were disoriented, so Annabeth slashed through some as Percy did.

"Press the button!" she called to Percy as he staggered over, pressing his finger to the button.

The doors opened and she saw the army running. But an even more terrifying sight? A man who Annabeth recognized as Tartarus charging over. Annabeth shoved Percy in, rapidly pressing the close button. They got to see Tartarus's face, as well as the remaining monsters, as the doors closed, Percy flashing them a cheeky grin before he grabbed onto the doors with all his strength. They held on.

"Eight minutes..." Annabeth whispered, gasping with the pain and effort, "Eight... Just eight..."

"How long has it been?" Percy screamed in agony.

"Thirty seconds! Just count! It's easier that way!"

"ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!" they screamed.

Gods, they were like toddlers... Annabeth groaned in effort, feeling black spots dance in front of her eyes.

"No!" Percy grabbed her arm with his. "Stay awake, Annabeth."

"Percy, it's so hard..." she mumbled, feeling her grip loosen.

"No!" Percy shook her and she snapped back to reality, "Annabeth don't give up. I need you, Wise Girl."

I need you...

"And I need you, too," she said, holding on tighter.

"Just a bit longer," Annabeth groaned, slumping into the elevator doors.

"For once, I wish they put elevator music in!" Percy whined and she couldn't help but laugh but that laugh turned into a moan of pain.

Finally, the sound of heaven. The moment Annabeth stepped foot outside, she slumped to the floor. She watched as Percy's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he landed on the floor. She laid there for what seemed like hours, trying to catch her breath and relax. But the pain was real. It wasn't there for a second and gone when we got out. It stayed. Annabeth clenched her teeth before footsteps sounded.

Her instincts immediately kicked in and she had her dagger out, ready to pierce whoever was in front of her. She didn't even realize they were my friends before she had successfully stabbed into Piper's arm.

"Annabeth!" she grabbed Annabeth's shoulders, making her shake uncontrollably.

She was having flashbacks.

"Don't do that," Nico's voice cut through, putting a soothing hand on her shoulder, "Relax, Annabeth... You're safe. It's okay. You're gonna be fine. You and Percy are safe, you're out, and you're gonna be healthy once we get you both patched up."

Annabeth relaxed, slumping into him. Muttering her apologies, she quickly sat on the floor again, drained. Her mind then remembered that Percy was still lying on the floor.

"Percy!" She pointed over to where Percy was currently laying, blood in a small pool around him.

Leo was the first one there, grabbing Percy's body and flipping it around so that they could see his face. Deathly pale enough to rival Nico's. Annabeth wanted to move, but groaned in agony as she tried. Thalia grabbed her, putting Annabeth's arm over her shoulders to guide her there. Leo frantically felt for a pulse and put his ear to his best friend's heart. Leo froze before violently pushing on Percy's chest.

It didn't occur to her what Leo was doing at first, so Annabeth tried to charge at him. No avail. She only hurt myself further.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" she screamed, flailing to get to him.

"Ow..." she groaned, almost passing out.

"He's doing CPR," Jason explained as he watched, "Percy's heart isn't going."

And Annabeth felt like she had died just there and then. She watched as Leo brought Percy's lips to his, blowing in before pumping.

"Come on, Perce!" he grunted, "Open your eyes! Breathe!"

"Piper, charmspeak him!" Hazel gasped.

"You will breathe and your heart will beat," Piper charmspoke.

Pretty soon, Percy took a loud gasp, his eyes fluttering open to reveal sea-green goodness. He coughed, blood squirting onto his lips, but Annabeth rushed over, giving him the biggest kiss ever.

"Bye bye, Tartarus," he whispered, smiling like a little kid before they both passed out right there and then.

How You Changed Me (Demigods In High School AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ