Chapter 13 || The First Step

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Leo raced out of the janitor's closet, sprinting after Percy. He saw his letterman jacket disappear out the doors before Leo turned to Annabeth, who was watching with startled gray eyes.

"Did he just..." she trailed off, staring at the spot Percy had just been in.

"I might've said something that upset him," he said worriedly.

To Leo's surprise, Annabeth glared at him.

"Well go apologize, Valdez!" she exclaimed. "If he's gonna hurt that much that he ran away from school, you should know it's serious and try to make him feel better!"

"Since when do you care?" Leo asked and her eyes widened.

"I've gotta go to class," she said shortly before grabbing her books and fast-walking away.

Leo stared after her and used his matchmaker Leo skills. It then clicked. Annabeth liked Percy. Annabeth liked Percy just like Percy liked Annabeth. Love Hate. Annabeth's poem all made sense now! He heard high heels clicking behind him and he smirked. Leo charm was on. He turned around, prepared to meet his future girlfriend, but... it was Renee.

"Oh, hey, Renee," Leo said as casually as he could.

"Hey," she said, scanning the crowded halls, "Have you seen Percy?"

"He ditched school today. I said something that made him pretty upset. Trust me, I feel bad," he answered truthfully.

Renee's eyes swept over me before shrugging.

"Oh. Okay," she said before walking away.

Leo frowned, staring after that Barbie everyone called Percy's girlfriend. Looking back at Annabeth's locker, then back to where Renee had once stood, Matchmaker Leo was stuck. Percy would kill him if Leo broke his relationship with Renee, no matter how toxic he thought it was. And if Leo matched Percy and Annabeth together, Renee would find out and if Percy loved her so much, she'd leave him heartbroken like Jackie did.

His fists clenched in anger at the name. Jackie Thomas. She broke his best friend and she had to pay. But of course, Jackie was out of their lives for good. Leo thought of her face in the mirror while he was in the bathroom and stuck his middle finger up at it. Yep. You suck Jackie Roberts.


When Leo had caught the bus home, he saw Percy nowhere in the penthouse. He checked Percy's room, the kitchen, even the swimming pool. Nope. Leo nodded, knowing where he was. The gym. Percy always went there whenever he needed to blow off some steam. So he groaned, running down from the apartment to the busy streets. 

People were bustling, spitting gum on the floor, talking noisily, shoving to get their way through... Typical. He always knew there were more Karens to confront him than there were back home. After Leo had made it down a few blocks, he entered the gym. As expected, Percy was there, lifting heavy weights, a look of pure concentration on his face. Sweat dripped down his neck and face, beads of it collecting on his tan, toned muscles.

"Hey," Leo said softly, looking at him.

Percy didn't reply.

"Hey, Percy," he said again, louder.

He didn't do anything, simply continued lifting the weights.

"PERSEUS!" Leo finally yelled and the heavyweight flew out of Percy's hands.

Percy barely had any time to move out of the way before the weight crashed to the floor. He took a deep breath, his startled sea-green eyes turning to face me.

"Leo, never do that!" he exclaimed, "You could get hurt if I accidentally swung at you!"

"Okay, okay. But are you okay? You've never ditched school before," Leo said, concerned.

"Just some... some emotions I had to let loose. I just... couldn't do it," he said quietly.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"As long as it doesn't involved tofu tacos, sure."

"Does Renee make you happy?"

He froze, facing Leo.

"What type of question is that?"

"I'm asking you, Percy. Answer with the truth. Does she make you happy?"

He took a long time to pause, taking his time to transfer over to the treadmill.

"Yeah," he finally said.

"Are you sure?" Leo asked, hoping he'd say no.

"Well, she can be a little demanding and annoying at times, but other than that... I'd say she makes me fairly happy."

"Define happy," he said.

"Happy is when you feel happy," Percy said bluntly.

"No. How do you describe happy? What do you do when you're happy?"

"Well, normally I smile, I laugh, I joke..." he trailed off, brows furrowing in thought.

"Have you done that with Renee?" Leo asked again.

Percy didn't answer, obviously knowing the true answer was a no. He knew it! Matchmaker Leo was a genius!

"Can we just stay away from this topic... please?" he croaked, "I just wanna... have some space, okay, Repair Boy? Sorry. I know you're trying to help."

"And if helping is me giving you some space, I'm all for it," Leo smiled before walking out of the gym.

Oh Percy... you are gonna have it coming. He quickly dashed up to the penthouse and grabbed Percy's phone, which was luckily sitting on the nightstand. He texted Piper.

LV: Hey, Pipes... What's Annabeth's phone number?

PM: Why do you ask?

LV: Project Matchmaker Leo in the HOUSE!


LV: Nah, I'm here, sista! But we've really gotta talk about you and Jason because THAT is our next project.

PM: Shut up :) Annabeth's number is 858-712-8189(A/N: This is a fake number, guys, so... yeah)

LV: Perfect! Hopefully this goes to plan!

Leo quickly typed in the number and wrote a message.

PJ: Hey Wise Girl--yes, he stalked Percy's session with her because he was literally right down the hall--I was just wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night. You know, just to have some fun? Hopefully I'll see you there :)

Leo took a deep breath, setting the phone down, waiting in anticipation for the phone to ring. Finally, after ten minutes, the satisfaction came. He launched himself at the phone, flipping it over and checking what she wrote.

AC: If you want me to, I'll come. See you tomorrow night.

Okay, a little grumpy, but periods don't explain the world now... do they? Leo smirked, deleting the evidence. Oh, boy, Percy! You've gotta owe me all the ladies after this!

How You Changed Me (Demigods In High School AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя