Chapter 27 || Old Friends

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Percy opened his eyes and immediately, his mind whirled in happiness when he saw Annabeth's gray eyes. She smiled, her perfect pink lips looking soft. No makeup. Just mascara and chapstick. That was his wise girl. Authentic. And he had this gut feeling that he could trust her. He didn't know why, but it was a gut feeling.

Your gut is wrong... a voice spoke and Annabeth stared deep into his eyes again.

No, Percy thought, I should follow my gut. That's how I have fun.

And slowly, a smile spread across his face. Annabeth smiled back, but in her eyes, there were tears. One dripped down her cheek and Percy curiously wiped it off, frowning at the sight of it. She never cried...

"Why are you crying?" he asked.

Annabeth laughed slightly, another tear rolling down her face.

"It's just..." she sniffled, "I've cared about you since I started to be friends with you. And... even if it wasn't a long period of time... I was attached. And seeing you hurt just hurt me."

Guilt pierced through him as he heard her say those words.

"So when I saw you in the bar, looking like... that... You weren't the Percy I got to know for a day. Just a day got me enough knowledge to know you're not who you really are inside. And that's the beautiful thing. Even if reality hits harder, you're stronger when you're sober."

He felt something hit him in my chest. Not a physical thing. A mental thing. Wait... what's the difference again?

Smart but oblivious, he remembered saying.

Percy chuckled at the thought of it. So he looked straight at her beautiful face and smirked.

"How do I know I should listen to you, Wise Girl?" he asked tauntingly.

She smirked back.

"This," she whispered and leaned in.

His body moved forward and his lips met hers. They were soft and plump. Kissing them was a dream. They didn't have weird glosses all over them like Renee's did. Just her strawberry kiss floating through his mouth like a cloud of bliss. She pulled him closer as he did, his arms wrapped around her waist protectively. Percy played with her hair as she played with his. They pulled away, out of breath.

He then registered what had just happened. Percy backed away.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I shouldn't have..."

Percy wanted to smack himself in the face. This was his betrayal to Renee. His betrayal to Jackie. He was doing the exact same thing he didn't want to happen to anyone. He was a hypocrite. Someone who was evil.

"This is about Renee," Annabeth said, grabbing his arm, "I know it is. Percy... you're letting her control your life! You can't do that. You have to live!"

Thoughts raced through his mind. She was right. Renee was controlling him. Just the way she spoke.

It hurts me, she had said, when you talk to other girls. It's betrayal. I don't wanna see you betray me, Percyboo.

Or the time when she had a full on episode of crying when he had hugged a girl when she hugged him.

"Yeah," Percy said, "You're right."

Then, second thoughts ran through his mind. What if Annabeth was trying to control him?! He looked into those gray eyes. And at her face. Fully transparent layers. Nothing on. She wasn't hiding things behind those eyes as they teared up willingly. He was safe. He could trust her. Percy winced as he thought about Jackie. He had trusted her. He had followed his gut.

"But I can't," he whispered, "I'm sorry."

He turned to run away, but Annabeth caught his arm, drawing him closer.

"No," she whispered. "Not even Jackie. If she wanted to make your life miserable... and you let her make you believe that everything's a lie... you just completed her mission."

He stared at her. Believing her was something risky.

Risky is the way to have fun.

And Percy had to admit, his breakup with Renee was risky. Yeah. But he felt... so good when it happened. Then, even if it faded to him getting really sad about it, it still felt great. It was like taking his first breath. So he smirked, pulling Annabeth in and kissing her, to her surprise. When he finally pulled away, he smirked.

"Wanna go see Leo?"

"Really?" Annabeth asked, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"You didn't expect me to have a whole different bodyguard, did you?"

They ran out of there, Percy feeling like he had just crossed the ribbon on a marathon race. He felt alive for the first time in years.


"Come on, Frank!" Hazel groaned, trying to drag the cute little sleeping panda she called her boyfriend out of the plane.

"But those pillows were so soft..." he whined.

Jason chuckled slightly at Frank, who had finally woken up.

"Okay, I'm done," Frank yawned.

Piper was already rushing to get in line.

"Hurry up!" she motioned for them to come forward, "The lines move like sloths!"

They all got in line and after a lot of delays, they were finally there. Boston. The place Jason had been begging them to go to. Apparently, he had a big fan craze over the Red Sox and he had literally bought them plane tickets, told them to pack last minute, and rushed to the airport.

"Come on!" Jason groaned when the person in front of us wasn't moving.

"One more yell and I'll call the manager," the lady snapped and she continued moving her way up the aisle.

The moment they got out of the airport, Hazel saw a billboard lighting up the night sky.

"Guys, look! It's Percy!" she pointed up at the billboard.

"He's in Boston, too?" Frank asked, looking up, "Oh... concert."

"Wait..." Piper suddenly realized something, "Annabeth's in Boston. Harvard."

They all froze, grins spreading across their faces.


They raced out into the streets.

"WE'VE GOTTA SEE PEOPLE!" they screamed, pushing through the crowd.

Piper pulled out her phone and began to text Annabeth.

"Guys!" she gasped, "She's at the Dim Sum restaurant next to Harvard! Just another turn!"

The demigods raced there and slowed themselves before opening the door. They spotted Annabeth sitting with... no way.

"No way," Jason breathed, voicing her thoughts.

Annabeth and Percy were laughing together! Then, Annabeth did the unthinkable. She reached over and kissed him. He kissed back and all of their mouths dropped open.

"Hi, how may I help you?"

At that, Percy and Annabeth looked up, their jaws going slack as they saw them.

"We'd like to see our old friends," Frank gestured over to where Annabeth and Percy were sitting.

How You Changed Me (Demigods In High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now