Chapter 29 || The Breakup

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When Annabeth woke up, she spotted Percy sitting there, his sea-green eyes swirling with tears.

"Percy?" she whispered and he hugged her, crying into her hospital gown. "I'm okay... I'm okay..."

He pulled back, tears flowing down his face.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"No, you don't have to be sorry. It was our faults for getting into that fight. And I'm sorry that I got so possessive. It's just... we're dating and--"

"No," Percy said, tearing up.

"What?" Annabeth blinked.

"Annabeth... I'm changing you. Having a boyfriend like... like me is changing you," Percy said, his tears flowing down his cheeks. His perfect ones.

"What do you mean... a boyfriend like you?" she asked, fearing the worst.

"A boyfriend like me. Screwed up. Done. F**king dumb and clueless. I'm not smart, I'm not perfect, and I'm not good enough for you. And I can't stand to see you fall for me when it's just gonna bring you harm. You're carrying my burden and that's not fair for you."

"But you're not giving me a burden, Percy!" she was crying now, "I love you so much! You're the best thing that's in my life right now and--"

"That's why it's best..." Percy began to cry.

"No... Percy, no..." Annabeth whispered, tears dripping all over her hospital gown.

"That's why it's best if we don't see each other," Percy whispered, breaking down.

"Percy..." she sobbed.

"I'm leaving tonight for my concert in France," he sniffled, "And I won't be back until next year. You have so many other things to do in life than to worry about me, Wise Girl. I'm affecting you in a bad way and you should learn from what you taught me. I'm a bad apple. Your future's bright. I've accepted my future's dark. I'm literally useless and I'm not gonna dull your future now, am I?"

"No!" she screamed, reaching out to Percy. To hug him.

He hugged her.

"Seaweed Brain..." Annabeth cried into his shoulder.

"Sometimes... if you love someone... you need to let them go," he whispered, "And I love you, Annabeth Chase. So I have to let you succeed. You need to build something permanent. Build something and take over the world. And I'll be watching when you achieve greatness. When you..." Percy paused, breaking down, "When you walk down the aisle with a different man... I'll be there. Because what matters to me is that you're happy."

"But I'm happiest when I'm with you!" she protested, grabbing his face in her hands.

"You don't know that," Percy shook his head, tears brimming in his gorgeous sea-green eyes. "So I'm doing the right thing. I'm doing what's best for you because I love you. Don't you ever forget that."

Percy slowly got up and her eyes widened.

"Percy..." Annabeth stared as he inched towards the door. "What are you doing."

His eyes were lined with tears as they streamed down his face.

"Goodbye, Wise Girl," he whispered, kissing her on the lips before walking out of the door.

The door was closed and she screamed.


Annabeth could vaguely hear his voice from outside.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered before the footsteps walking away told her that he was gone.

Piper walked in to all the commotion and when she saw Annabeth's teared up face, she ran over and gave her a hug.

"Piper..." she sobbed, "He... He..."

"He told us last night," Piper whispered, "While you were unconscious. He said he was gonna break up with you."

"But he's wrong!" Annabeth slammed her hand down on the bedsheets, "That idiot's so f**king wrong!"

"And that's why he's an idiot," Piper sighed, "Because everyone else can see that you guys are the best thing for each other."

She furiously called Leo and Leo picked up on FaceTime, looking like he was fearing the worst.

"Leo, pass the phone to Percy!" she demanded.

"Percy left, Annabeth," Leo replied, "I'm driving and Percy just called an Uber. We're headed to the airport right now."

"NO!" Annabeth screamed.

"I'm sorry, Annabeth," Leo said, his eyes solemn as he looked at hers, "I know how much you loved him. But he's oblivious to the best things that ever happened to him. And he can't forget about Jackie or Renee no matter what you do. Percy's never been one to talk out his problems and you know that."

She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

"But I love him," she sniffled, "and he doesn't love me."

"No, Annabeth," Leo shook his head, waiting for a red light to turn green, "He loved you so much he was willing to give up his own happiness for you. Do you think Percy wanted to give you up? No. You made him so happy! But he did it because he thought he wouldn't be right for you. He thinks that because he's dumb--"

"He's not dumb!" Annabeth interrupted.

"Well, he thinks that he's not good enough for you. That's why he left you."

"But the idiot's wrong!" she shouted, "If anything, I'm not good enough for him!"

"No," Leo shook his head, "You're both enough for each other."

"Just because he's had history with bad habits doesn't mean he still isn't my seaweed brain! I've seen him when he's just him. Unfiltered. I've literally seen him when he's not hyped up or he's not in pain. And he's amazing, Leo!"

"I know, Annabeth," Leo sighed, "I'm sorry. I'll try to keep in touch, okay? But... I'm not sure if Percy's gonna change his mind. I've just arrived at the airport... so... bye, guys!"

"Bye," Piper and I called before he hung up.

Annabeth laid down in bed, thinking of all the pain Percy must've gone through. All the things he didn't say to Jackie or Renee. That's when the best idea she ever had hit her like a brick to the head.


Even business class food didn't cheer him up. That's how upset Percy was as he gazed out the window, Leo next to him, busy eating his food.

"C'mon, Perce!" Leo said, nudging him, "This food is really good."

All he could think about was his wise girl. And how she wasn't his anymore. How she would be someone else's. Knowing she was happy with someone else... meant he'd never love again.

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