Chapter 19 || The Confrontation

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It'd been a full month. MONTH. A month of Percy avoiding her, not talking to her, and basically acting as if she didn't exist. Annabeth's fists clenched in anger as she realized it was probably Renee's doing. But a thought kept her back. Renee was just mad at Percy for "cheating" on her. It was all Percy's doing. She decided that it'd been too long. So after school, she marched straight up to where Percy was, eating frozen yogurt while walking to his car.

"Where the f**k is your mind, Percy Jackson?!" Annabeth exclaimed as he looked up, bewildered to see me.

"Oh... y-you," he said, a bit of the coldness returning to his eyes, but quickly fading because it was overcome by shock.

"Yeah. Me. Why the f**k are you f**king ignoring me?! I've been trying my best but you blocked my phone number, you're not answering me whenever I try to talk to you in school, and you're acting like you're busy, when really you're sitting around doing nothing all day! What the f**k is going on?!" she ranted. And you know it's bad when she cusses.

Percy looked at her, anger flashing through his eyes.

"I'm ignoring you because it's what's best for me and Renee!"

"So this is about you and your pretty little girlfriend, huh?" Annabeth chuckled bitterly, "Have you ever thought about how she never makes you happy? How she constantly bullies you? You're practically her pet! And she's telling you to do stuff all the time! Don't think I don't know, Seaweed Brain. I see what the paparazzi posts online."

"So you're stalking me now?!" Percy fought back, annoyance shining in his sea-green eyes, "Renee loves me, Annabeth!"

"No, she doesn't!" she burst out, "She's using you like a toy! Sure it's been two years, but you're man candy, Percy! You don't get expired because you're just hot! And it's frustrating, Percy! To see you dating someone you shouldn't be dating!"

"And you know what happened when I listened to someone who told me who I should've been dating?!" Percy was red with anger, "They were wrong. I was on the right track Annabeth. I was on the right path to having a happy life by following my gut. Then someone told me the wrong thing and look at me now! Don't act like you know what goes on around here, Wise Girl! You don't! So shut the f**k up!"

Annabeth took a step back, shocked, but quickly, she surged forward.

"You think I haven't noticed how you act around her and how you acted around me?! It's two different ways! You smile and laugh when you're with everyone else and Renee's not there. The moment she comes, you stop smiling and you hardly laugh a real laugh! She's making you sad! And not that I care or anything, but Piper told me you've changed. And that's bad!"

Now it was his turn to take a step back. But his eyes boiled with rage.

"What's it with you basically telling me what's best for me? I'm my own person! I can do what I want and there's nothing you can do to stop me, Annabeth!"

"Try telling that to Renee! She's doing what you claim I'm doing!"

"That's not the point!" Percy was seething, "You keep your nose out of my life! It's just making everything worse!"

The words hit Annabeth like a brick to the face. Percy stepped back, still breathing heavy, aware of what he just said. She forced herself to stay strong.

"Fine," she said, "But you're gonna regret everything. Being with her, being with them, being so f**king stubborn. Because you're killing yourself even if you don't realize it. Who brought you into alcohol? Renee. Who made you cold-hearted? Renee. Who let you and told you to sleep with multiple girls? Renee. She's turning you into a monster. So come back begging on your knees to me when you're not a monster. But if you wait any longer, you can't turn back and I'm not letting you in."

Percy stared at her, a mix of emotions displayed on his face. She stared back before realizing what she had just said. So she bolted. Annabeth ran. She didn't want to face him. He stared after her before turning his head away and finishing his walk to his car, hopping in and speeding away. She could feel tears starting to reach her eyes and she let them out, sulking under a tree, wiping the tears out of her eyes.

She heard footsteps and saw Piper looking down at her with a curious expression. She knelt next to Annabeth and put an arm around her. She stopped crying and glared at the floor.

"You see why I hate him?" Annabeth asked after she had explained everything that had happened, "That's why. He won't f**king listen. Asshole. Jerk. Dick. F**king bastard."


Percy could feel his breathing get faster and he got into the nearest place that was open to catch his breath. He stumbled when the smell of tequila hit him like a slap to the face. This was a bar.

"Good afternoon, sir!" a bartender said, "What can I get ya?"

He stared, not sure what to say. But the pain of what had just happened was gonna kill him. So he had to kill it first.

"A beer. Blue Moon," he said, sitting down at the bar.

He poured me a glass and immediately recognized my face.

"Percy Jackson?! But you're eighteen!"

"Yeah, yeah," he waved it off, taking a sip of the beer. "I was born in England. The drinking age is eighteen there. I'm fine."

The bartender stared at him before shrugging.

"What brings you to the bar today, sir?"

"Rough drama," Percy said.

"Ah, with that girlfriend of yours? Renee Baldwin? It's okay to be offended, sir, but I think that girl is a pile of crap."

Percy froze. Annabeth... Her voice traveled back to him as the bartender spoke.

"I mean, she's just using you anyways. You're the one who should be dating a girl who loves you. Not one like her."

Jackie... Renee... Annabeth... Annabeth...

He finished his beer and stood up, paying the bartender.

"Thanks... I'll be going," he said, practically running out of the bar.

Mr. Panic Attack, hello to you from my bathroom.

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