Chapter 53 || The Percy Jackson Show

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When Annabeth walked up to the penthouse to face her boyfriend, she was nervous. Because she had no idea what he would do when he reacted. So she knocked.

"Oh," he said, his headphones plugged in, "Sup, Wise Girl?"

She frowned, confused.

"You're not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad?" He gave her a goofy grin, doing a little skip as he opened the door all the way, letting her enter.

"Why are you so happy?" she laughed as her boyfriend began to do the Charleston step across the kitchen like it was a dance floor.

"Oh... just because I'm about to have a talk show!" he squealed like a little kid, flopping onto his couch and propping his head up with both of his palms.

Annabeth couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, reaching over to ruffle his black hair. The moment she sat down, he put his head in her lap, grinning up excitedly at her. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his. The sea salt flooded into her mouth as he reached up a hand to caress her cheek.

"I love you," he whispered as they broke the kiss.

She wasn't done. Annabeth leaned down and gave him another kiss. Halfway through, a cry of disgust cut through their bliss.

"Get a room!"

Both lovers bolted upright to see Thalia standing on the stairs, eating a bag of gummy worms.

"Thalia?!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that Thalia's visiting," Percy grinned.

Idiot. Thalia took one glance at Percy, rolling her eyes, before walking back up the stairs.

"Why did you come down--" Annabeth started but Thalia cut her off.

"I don't know anymore," Thalia gagged before the sound of the door slamming was all the couple could hear.


Percy did a small dance.

"Percy, you're getting a talk show?" she asked.

"You just realized this?" Percy giggled at her confused reaction.

"But... why?"

"The reason I do press conferences and different talk shows is because TV advertising is one of my fortes. But they reveal too much. Having a talk show would give me TV advertising and nothing would have to be revealed if I didn't wan to reveal it," Percy said, "Also... I kinda already signed onto a different record brand Mark recommended."

Annabeth stared at her boyfriend, blinking multiple times.

"And this is the information you decide to pack in all at once," she finally said.

Suddenly, there was knocking. Percy frowned, opening the door, only to be greeted by flashing lights.

"What the--" he started.


Percy firmly closed the door.

"We can't keep this up forever," Annabeth finally said.

"But... You don't want the fame," Percy frowned, "I'm a terrible person for forcing that into your life."

"No, you aren't," Annabeth shook her head, "If I love you, I can mind it. And I will mind it. Because you aren't getting away from me, Percy Jackson."

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