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I strive for perfection
If not that, at least to fit in.
But I may not do so for much longer because the suicidal thoughts
have only been growing stronger.
I can not tell you how or when
Or whether my plans are a sin
But I can say I will be free from my hell
My smile won't be what I have to sell.
To you in order to prove I'm fine
But in truth that is a big lie.
Because I'm not okay
And it's a struggle to stay alive each day
I don't know when I'll say goodbye
I know from unnatural causes I will die
At least for now that is what I think
Will you save me from the brink?
Or will I stand alone once again
In front of the demons I have to defend
Myself from
in order not to succumb
To the things they tell me
And what they make me see.
I see a person that shouldn't be alive
So back into the darkness I dive

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