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I almost did it
I almost ended my life
I never thought
I'd get so close to the knife.

It all seems like a dream
It can't be real.
I just lost another person.
How am I supposed to feel?

I can't stop the tears falling down my face.
I'd win if only death were a race.

I thought I was better
But I thought wrong
Nothing can help me
Besides maybe a few songs.

I wanted to die last night
There were too many people around
I didn't want to hurt them anymore
I'm not so safe and sound

My face now salty from all the tears
But I don't care anymore, I can't stop them
How did this happen? This was one of my worst fears.

I'm not okay, not in the slightest
But I hope if anyone's listening,
That you have the strength to fight this.
I'm not strong enough anymore.

It makes me think, was I ever strong enough?
I didn't have the power to commit suicide,
But now I don't know if I have the strength to live or not cut. 
What should I do? Should I die? Can I?

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