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I'm like a bomb, once triggered,
I can hurt those around me.
So don't get too close
Because you may not see it coming
Until it's too late and I've taken my life
You won't be able to stop this one
And for me it's one thing I'll do right
Just stay as far away as you can
I know many people do this anyways
Hell, people should have ran
When they saw I was there
But I suppose not all knew
That I was well aware
Of all the hurtful words some have said
But you fail to see every time
That in this society I want to be dead
Tick tock, the time goes by
Soon the time will come and
I'll say goodbye, you'll ask yourself why
And I might be the one who can answer
It's because it feels as though in this world, I am a disease like cancer
I hope you aren't hurt when the bomb goes off
It was never something I alone,
Was strong enough to stop

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