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You know what's hard to cope with?
The damn truth.
I don't know if people ignore it because they don't want to see it or if they see it and do nothing about it or maybe they can't accept it, or they just can't see it.
I. Don't. Know.
But I do know that the truth hurts. It's easy just to hide behind lies and the seemingly overused line of "I'm fine", but that most likely is not the truth. I guarantee you that that option is not in any way cowardly, it is brave and full of respect. You don't want to get hurt nor hurt others so you lie or hide behind a fake smile. That way is easier than explaining the things you feel or what you have done to yourself, but again it's not the truth. The truth may be that your struggling with depression, that you've been battling your weight, that you're in pain, that you are hurting yourself, that you're suicidal, that someone is hurting you, or anything else. That's what is hard to say. Who knows even if you work up the courage to speak your thoughts, you could be shut down and they won't care, you just don't know. It's terrible to keep it all bottled in and soon you could lose people. There's just too many secrets and they believe you when you claimed to be fine. They don't see or know the truth. It is killing you. I personally conceal the truth in every way possible. The scars fade or I put them in strategic places. The lies build up to the point where I sometimes mix up truth from lies. It hurts so much, it's growing unbearable and this pain seems I feel seemingly won't go away until I go away forever. I don't know if anyone will ever know the truth because to be honest, the truth is a bitch. It destroys everyone in its wake. I'd rather keep it locked up inside me than unleash it upon others. It's to keep them safe or so I tell myself. I don't know what to think of the truth but if you really think about it, there's really no 100% truthful person out there. There's too many lies that people believe is the truth but it's not. Everyone hides something no matter how small or how big, but it's something. I don't know the truth about everything, hell I don't even know it all about my family and friends. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you tell the world your deepest, darkest secrets. All I'm saying is that maybe the truth is better left unsaid in some cases but maybe, just maybe, it needs to be said sometimes.

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