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You tense when someone talks about suicide or self harming.

You sit quietly looking off into the distance when in health class, your teacher warns that if anyone has these thoughts, they need to seek help

You silently think "that's easier said than done", because you've put up this wall where your feelings have been barricaded and you don't let them out.

You ask yourself "What will people think? Do they have to know?" Are the things they said, that constantly run through my mind right? Am I really a waste of time? If I am, what's the point of getting help?"

Yet you still sometimes just crave to be happy again, so you ask questions. You might actually tell someone. But you're so very afraid, terrified actually, of what people will think.

You dwell on these things until it'll be too late and you'll become just too far gone to be saved.

You need help badly. You're literally dying, the brightness in your eyes, now has gone, leaving them cold and empty. You're heart can barely take it anymore. You don't want to live and yet you can't bare what people think?

Yea it's scary as hell, but you. Need. Help. No one seems to see that though. No one sees that you're broken and need to be saved.

Every time you want to tell someone, your voice seems to get stuck in the vicinity of your throat. You have no idea how long you'll be able to hold on.

That thought barely even scares you anymore. You've grown numb with every day after torturous day. You decide you're time is coming and fast.

You need help fast. Still no one notices. Why can't they see? Maybe you really are invisible.

Maybe you should have asked for help but you don't want to have all those questions. You don't want to go to a loony bin or talk to a therapist.

So you say you're fine. People are stupid enough to not look past your smile. That way they can't see you're lying. Just keep smiling. They won't see the days you cry yourself to sleep.

No one ever noticed. No one will. So you're done, finished and you write a letter and record a message.

Then you pick up whatever you're going to use, and wait, what about your family? What about your few true friends?

They'll be devastated because they never saw. They'll claim they never saw the little signs you so blatantly put out there.

You can't tear you're family more apart than it already is. You can't let them feel like they are to blame. You can't bear the thought of anyone doing the things you did to yourself because of you.

You know the pain and you don't want the people you love to feel that. So you hang on by a thread and put it down.

You live for now. But you desperately need help more than ever. It's so hard. But at least you have you're trusty blade to help a little.

If you think about it, you might save another life by not ending yours. Now that's terrifying. When they're breaking, no one may notice either.

You need to be saved.

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