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Have you ever felt so invisible that it would seem no one would ever notice you're gone?
Yes, but it's a fact not just a feeling. No one can see me.

Have you ever isolated yourself?
Yes, and I don't always know why. Sometimes it's to make sure I don't get hurt, other times I think it's stupid because I need someone to save me from myself and the ugly thoughts I have. I'm afraid.

Have you pushed anyone away?
Yes, I was protecting myself right? I don't think I could handle being hurt again. People don't get hurt either right?

Have you ever had a secret that could ruin you if almost anyone found out?
Yes, I can't hurt anyone with those dark secrets. I have too many that I have kept so long, to be just let out. What would they think of me? Would they leave me? Overwhelming thoughts take over by just imagining that. I can't afford to lose anyone else, it's a miracle I have the people I do.

Have you ever wanted to be saved?
Yes, but not always. Sometimes it's just easier than to let someone help. They wouldn't understand.

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