Chapter 2

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I walked around the garden , inspecting our produce, surprised Damien had actually taken great care of it even if he got someone else to do it . I was quite worried about it , coming home to it looking like Area 51.
Fresh tomatoes ripened by the glorious sun glittered all over the garden. I love my husband so much
I carried my basket as I picked each one inspecting for any pests that may have attacked the fruit.
We seem to be having a problem . I noticed some had laisons .
Must've been a fungus .
I will drop by the market and buy some fungicide .
The peas were green and ready to be bursted from their pods .

I heard the door bell. My husband had left early for work , he told me it was an urgent meeting . I woke up to his kiss on my temple.
I have a feeling he's not telling me something.I have known him for quite a while and I can tell if there is something bugging him
In the meantime I had to think of a job , something I could do. I won't get my pension or benefits until I am thirty. Hell if I will even get anything , I failed the mission . Unlike the others I was sent off not retired .
I have to get work. I can do makeup , hairdressing and massage services .
I am certain I will definitely get something to do .

I washed the tomatoes placing them into a the basket and loaded the pea pods into the tray I will pop them later . I am eager to start searching for a job make applications if necessary .

I took my laptop , it's been long since I used it.
It boot up, loading my image and that of Damien on the window display , He and I on our wedding day . I remember it like it was yesterday.
My husband and I met way back before I joined the army .
I was training at that time .
On one weekend I was shopping for groceries at the grocery mall.
Evaluating a cucumber and an eggplant . I was unsure if I needed the eggplant or cucumber or maybe I could buy it for future then I decided it wasn't necessary but then I couldn't let go home with the thought I came to buy groceries without a cucumber or an eggplant
I noticed a man was staring at me . He was very good looking, medium short hair, tall , athletic ,Caucasian and had a sweet smirk.
I smiled back at him sweetly .
He came over to greet me , the way he looked at me got me hooked .
" you seem to be undecided on the cucumber...and the eggplant "
The tone of his voice made me question if that is why so many men were glaring at me. Eggplant... cucumber ... Dirty Goddess.

" yes,I am not sure if I need it soon or I could buy it for later then it goes bad and I end up forgetting about it "

" I think you should do what that loud voice in your heart says "

I decided not to buy the cucumber.
We talked and exchanged numbers , went on several dates at times we fought then rekindled our love with some reconciliation and hot sex .
He proposed to me on my birthday.
I was not expecting he would do it infront of my family.

Especially with both of us coming from different homes , his was very conservative mine was too .
We had a beautiful intimate wedding in Miami and went on a honeymoon to Seychelles.

We both had a talk on when we should have kids .
I had been posted to Afghanistan for my first time ,I couldn't risk getting pregnant as it would slow me down .Don't get me wrong I love children and I want to have them but with a career as mine it's quite impossible to maintain the focus and have a high risk of being kicked out at that time there wasn't any option for pregnant women in the military other than be cast out .

He on the other hand had a successful business of selling automobile a car sales man to be precise difference is he owned his business, he was his own boss . He was doing so well .We ended up buying our own home . We were young and successful .

I skimmed through ads. Some seem quite fake asking for money to be registered to enroll for the job , others were just uninteresting jobs like mechanic, cow dung cleaner, product tester and reviews .
I spent nearly three hours looking through but nothing seems to be of any interest.

I was running out of patience and frustrated .
I slapped my keyboard it scrolled to several pages continuously. I had no idea what was even happening.
I clicked several keypads to stop the madness happening on my laptop .
Fortunately it suddenly stopped navigating .
I sighed in relief.
The page was an ad.
It read
" stylist and makeup artist urgently needed "

Both are two separate things but I can do both.
I replied with my CV.I had diploma in cosmetics and beauty and another on fashion and design . They were part time courses I took while in the military and free . So I thought why not sieze the opportunity.

" sent " I said .

Now it's to hope I get hired.

' ding dong'

I got up to answer the door .
It was the mailman.

We had a lot of mails .
I threw them on the table .
I could go through a few to save Damien the time as he could come home totally wasted.

I opened a few and I was not expecting what the contents contained.

Unpaid bills , and arrears . Our bank accounts were dry , and our house was soon going to get taken. We were bankrupt!

Maybe it's a prank or a joke of some kind . How is this possible? How are we in debt ? What happened while I was away?
I waited for him to come as usual with his " hey baby kiss on my temple"

" why didn't you tell me we had all this debts " I went straight to the point.

He scratched his head .

" Damien I asked you a question, is this all true?"
I held the documents .
He took a seat and sighed heavily.

" yes , it's true "

I shut my eyes and covered my mouth ,this is a very bad way to come home .
" I am so sorry baby, I wanted to tell you . I didn't know how ? Last night I got a call from Ronnie our banker that's what you heard . I am real sorry I wish I could do something to this situation . Am really trying"

" What really led to this Damien "

" I took a loan to further import more vehicles from Germany , unfortunately the seller had stolen several of the cars and was undergoing investigation in Germany using a fake name and I he was able to get away with his dirty business,soon the police caught up with him impounded all of the cars ,it was too late , all of them straight from the cargo ship . It was and still is hard to catch up with the bank in paying .The interest rates kept growing and growing on my delay to pay back.Now I am stuck with all this .I am sorry I didn't tell you"

This is bad news .

" we still have our house to our name "

" no, the bank will take it "

" you have to be fucking kidding me , so technically we are about to go homeless?"

" yes if we don't fix this in the next one week "

"one week! "

" yes "

" how much is left ?"

" thirty million".

I was mute , unsure of what to think or say . I got up and went to our room.
I am trying not to let my emotions get ahead of me because I will snap.
I am about to snap. We are about to lose everything , we worked to get this house and now we are about to say goodbye bye to it.

Fucking mess.

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