Chapter 19

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Nate .
" this project will help marginalized communities access electricity and  energy"  Greg presented .
I could hear what he was saying but my eyes were on her.
She was taking down notes . I had all kinds of reactions going on in my head the first one was .
" What the fuck !"

Is she really as innocent as she portrays herself . She looked up her eyes meeting my stare shyly she looked away.

She looked at her phone , cheekly smiled  bit her lower lip, and flipped it over.
I looked at my phone, my eyes widened .
Wow , that's dirty!

The meeting ended eventually  .
"  I will give my decision in three days , thank you Greg for the presentation"

After everyone left , I walked to where Goddess sat , she shut her laptop and loaded it into her bag.

" See me " I stated and left.


I don't know what to think besides " did he over hear me talking bad about him over the phone when he called to ask I cancel the appointment with Haute  restaurant? "
I pray not .
I slowly walked to his office even though mine is next to it .
He was on his computer, very focussed on it.

"Mr Sanchez" I called .

" have a seat Mrs Carter "  he gestured .

I sat down slowly. I felt like I was at the principal's office.

He took off his glasses and finally looked at me . Sexy gray eyes ¡
" what do you think "

"about ?"

" the project, is it worth my investment?"

" uh .. yeah.. I think you should invest . They care more about the community than their own gain"

" true"

" go for it , "

" thanks for your opinion"

"you are welcome"

He got up and stood infront of me , I was about to crawl out of my skin , he's never stood that close to me well with a dark dreadful stare .
He leaned closer to where I sat his hands on the side of the chair .
His black current scent invading my space .
" have a nice lunch " he remarked.
I gulped .
"you too" .
He left even before I could wonder what the hell was going on.
" well that's crazy " I muttered .

I went back to my office to have a look at the project again.Incase he asks  more questions about it , I didn't want to look confused .

The project seems promising, marginalized communities will be able to pump in  clean water and have electricity.Greg started this because he grew up poor. He's giving back to his people what he never had .I am glad I even agreed to this .

" don't stare too hard at the computer". Damien remarked.
I jolted , he startled me.

" you scared me right there, wait how did you even get in?"

" Some girl led me here, this place looks like the filming of fifty shades of grey, did you trip on your feet when you came in?"

I chuckled .
" ofcourse no , I had my fair share of that on my first day at the military training camp, it was one hell of an embarrassment... everyone just laughed at me ."

" I would laugh too " he said .

" you wouldn't miss that opportunity I see "

" definitely not , your office is great but you can't come in late "

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