Chapter 6

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"what are your best childhood memories?"he asked.
I smirked.
" I had a friend,his name was Rob .A Scottish Caucasian boy that was fond of me and I of him. Out of every person in school he was the only boy I clicked with . The school was neutral no bullying was allowed and it was a diverse school that had international kids . .He and I grew so close in middle school.He had an obsession with marines.
His room was packed with soldier toys , wall papers , pictures .It's thanks to him I was interested in joining the military.We would play this game where I would hide and he would pretend to be a soldier coming to save me from a terrorist. One day as we played and laughed he began to tell me he's leaving and I might never see him .I was hurt . He asked if we could kiss and we did .My very first kiss " I giggled. " we were stupid but any time I think about that kiss I feel so secure and cradled "

" he made you happy"

" he was the only guy that got me when I was a child.He made me happy despite how hard life was at home .we had our own little fantasy world . It was the best "
He was keenly staring at me.
"did I say something bad "

" no, not at all, its just that its lovely hearing you speak, talk freely with me despite how we started on the wrong foot . Godesss I know this was certainly not the idea you had of a psychologist, but I assure you I will help you get better , if you ever need to talk I dont care about what time of the day or night please dont hesitate ."

" well honestly , I never expected my husband would suggest you as my psychologist. Regardless am happy its someone I now and I can "

"thank you for trusting in me .Your husband cares about you ...he is a good man "

" a good man I stole from you" I remarked sadly .
I still feel so bad having married his man , the man he madly fell in love with . He would have been Mr Carter .
He placed his note book aside in the table .
" I am the one that broke up with him. Godesss Damien was and is still madly inlove with you , I had to set him free to be happy. Both of us cant have you at once , one of us had to step out . It was the best decision I made as now you both seem happy , something I couldnt give him , you have given him . "

" I hurt you "

" not really, actually I moved on , I met someone and he changed my life, we are actually getting married this Saturday"
"congratulations am so happy for you " I embraced him.
Even though he felt the need to set my husband free, I still love him .
it is possible to love two men , something that took me time to understand . I know myself not monogamous and so is Damien.

" I invite you and Damien to my wedding , this saturday, and finally you will meet Castro. " He took out an invitation card from his drawer. It was matte black card with golden prints . This wedding will surely be boujee with some expensive taste .

" I would love to , we will both attend "
Our hands touched , a sudden flashback of him making love to me flooded into my head. His hands caressing my back with tenderness, his kiss hot as the summer heat , our bodies glued together...and his strokes so ...

" thank you Godess for coming "

" I should thank you for listening "

"its always a pleasure.Our sessions will be for an hour everyday of the week except on sundays , 9am "

"thanks "

I pecked his cheek and walked away waving at him as I closed the door behind me.
It was a wonderful session , Damien wasnt picking his calls , I had no other option but to take a taxi home but first I had to buy something to eat , sandwich would do .
I turned to my right then left before crossing the road .
Looking ahead the buildings had vanished instead it was replaced by the desert , with worn out buildings as a result of the war.
Explosions screaming and glass shattering.
I took a step back , a loud beep alarming me to come back to reality .
" get out of the fucking way woman" yelled the meandriver .
I crossed the road .
I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder , I shrieked ready to attack .
He wrapped his arms around me .
" its okay baby , am here "Damien assured me . I felt safe again .
It became clear to me that I had to face my demons someday in the future . Will Brandon be able to help me get over the trauma
" am really sorry, I shouldn't have wandered away .I was on my way to get something to eat and..." he stopped me placing a finger between the surface of my lips .
" hush my baby, no need to explain. Let's go home ."
Holding our hands we went back to the car.

" how was the session?" he asked as he drove into the highway exit .

" it was pleasant , I didn't feel cornered or... "

" attacked ?"

" something like that "

" told you he was eager to see you "

" why did you pick him ?" I asked.
He held my hand as his other hand was on the steering wheel
" What you are going through needs someone that listens and understands you without judging you. Someone you are comfortable opening up to and at ease. I thought of him , you are fond of him and he's someone you can freely open up to. "

" what of you , you still love him ?"

" I would be lying if I said no. He was like my first love , the only man I loved with all my soul , but with you I feel complete. "

" he wasn't completing you?"

" not really like that, sometimes you just feel you need something more and you just can't point it out. When I met you I felt something in me feel complete, the gap closed ."

" he told me he ended things to set you free "

" I set him free too. We are cool no hard feelings.My goal right now is for you to be okay . Your mental health is my priority"

" I really appreciate that. Thank you so much baby "

He kissed the palm of my hand .

" you are welcome."
I gazed outside the window .
We got home and ordered some spicy wings , I was in the mood for something spicy in my mouth.
I am so proud to have him as mine , he cares so much that he got help before I could ask for. He took care of me when everyone had given up on me.When I went into a state of shock, the doctor gave him a bottle that contained a clear liquid.
He told Damien to think about it , there was no hope for me .
The bottle contained a poison ,inshort Damien was granted the power of Euthanasia on me .There was no guarantee I would get any better .
He took that bottle , as he drove ,he opened the window and threw it away .
Cussing " fucking bloody bastards, my wife will get well I will not kill the love of my life because of they think , she's suffering"

I came to learn about this from his diary .
He's been writing a diary ever since he came out ...well when he came out as gay before as I said now he identifies as a bisexual .
It was like his " Dear Simon" companion.
I came to read it well it was accidentally .
While I was packing his remaining clothes into his basket to do laundry , he had travelled to Japan to make a deal , purchase a few cars.
Out of nowhere a black big diary dropped to my feet .

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