wide awake .

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" are you sure you are okay with this, I can leave any time you want " I muttered.

" no, I want you here. It's time you learned the truth of what happened in the Middleast. I can't keep it inside me forever. It's haunting me ."she answered.

We both walked into Brad's office, he patiently waited for us.
We sat on the couch.
" It's time. I finally let it out of my chest " she said as she strongly held my hand.

" you are free to speak as you wish Goddess, "he said.

She took a deep breath shut her eyes .

" We were assigned a mission to find the Taliban and kill them... We don't arrest them because it was an order not to. They could easily escape, send a message to be rescued and it would be inconceivable to catch them. One day earlier as we were scouting around a nearby abandoned village I received a note given to me by a little six-year-old boy, prompting me to go to the left alone. I risked it and went on my own there I found a man. He was in peril he told me he knew where they were hiding and he could hold it, he didn't ask for anything in return. That made me trust him thinking that if he doesn't want anything back he's a good guy just trying to help us. He gave me a direction, a plan on where the Taliban militia leaders  were... Ignoring my conscience I listened to him. I shifted the good plan which would have enabled us to catch their leader and either capture him or kill him but the commander preferred him dead, the base didn't have enough space for prisoners." she stopped.

" I was so eager for the next day, I couldn't believe how easy it would have been to catch that terrorist we have been scouting for weeks. After catching him I will be enrolled in the SEAL. I would become the youngest, first, black woman in the team in history. I would fart on all those sexists that doubted I would ever win . " she laughed.

" Then the day came, my team. consisting of seven ready members. I as their leader was so proud of them. Leading them. I drove to the location ,strangely it had very few buildings that were badly damaged. But it's the desert you never know those could be some decoys and that the real hideout is somewhere there. You just need to be clever. A hideout can look as trashy as anything. I asked them to drive ahead as I took the other vehicle .The little Birdie had instructed me to drive left, split the cars so the terrorists may be fooled as my colleagues were planning a surprise attack. That's when I got the call that it was all a setup. Turns out my informant was a terrorist. The first plan we had was the real one his plan was a diversion so the leader could escape and now I had just realized I lured my team, to their deaths. I left the vehicle and ran back I just froze as I saw their car explode. Their body parts were thrown around like hail storm. It was like the movie Jigsaw. You know what I did. I didn't cry, or wail, or scream. All I did was stare. From a distance I saw a man holding a bazooka he made sure I saw him and he just left and they drove off as I watched like a fool. I didn't even stop or shoot him. I froze. I don't know if it was out of shock or just not liking my teammates I don't know. On one end a voice told me to be happy. One day I caught my teammates gossiping me saying they can't stand a black woman as a leader, that I stole someone's man, that I got to my rank because I slept with someone, that I married a white man and I suddenly think I am more powerful and privileged, that pretty privilege worked for me, that am a slave baby. I heard it all but I never confronted them, I just didn't think it was necessary to prove to anyone anything as all they said were fabricated lies. Maybe their deaths were karma. On one end I blamed myself for trusting a stranger. I messed up so badly. Their bodies were so badly burnt and decapitated it would be traumatic for their families to bury them. A few pieces of their fleshy remains were picked up. It was one of the most graphic things I had ever seen, worse was one of the flesh remains landed on my cheek. It never left me that they died as a result of my miscalculation. What I don't understand to date is how it's possible I wasn't killed. Why didn't that man not fire the bazooka at me? He saw me, I was in plain sight his colleagues in the car saw me too they had AK-47, it seems like they were never targeting me. They wanted us there but why did they spare only me? I wish I would get all my answers. I do. But it doesn't change the fact manslaughter happened because of me. I killed my own team" she ended.

Brad took off his glasses I was in aghast.

That's one messed up the story I never expected to hear.

" collateral damage happens, it's not your fault, you served the country well. Go home and take some rest " he said.

We left the facility.
" it's okay baby, it's okay," I said.

" thank you for being there for me and helping me get through this," she said
I was still in shock but I love her regardless.

We went home. I made dinner as she sent a few files on her bosses' schedule.
She looked at me and smiled. Deep down I couldn't believe what I had just heard.
After dinner she went to bed, I shopped for some new imports before joining her in bed.
She was getting dressed.
" Rio Enterprises is one wealthy company, they just signed another million dollar deal with the Suez Canal. They will have more ships than theirs. Gosh, this man is making money every second, wish he would give me a salary raise. "
She applied some cocoa lotion onto her skin.

I admired her as she spoke. I couldn't get what she confessed to out of my head. Staring at my shelve I opened it and took out the silver gun. Loaded, turned it to her. By then her back was turned to me. She turned around her glare at me then at the gun pointing at her.
"Damien," she said calmly.

" you murdered seven people. How can I be married to a...  murderer? It's not what I wanted. It's not who I am ." I said.

" Damien..." she said taking a step closer.

" Don't, you murderer"

" Damien " she called as she stood in front of me

I pulled the trigger.

A loud bang echoed all over the room. A deafening silence.
She looked down and so did I.
Her stomach was bleeding, the blood spot growing bigger and bigger.
She looked up at me weakly despite what I had done she smiled at me. I held her from falling.
"am glad it was you ". she said deliberately.

"No !  Goddess , please Don't die please stay awake please ! Am sorry, am so sorry, don't die "
Why am I asking her not to die when I technically shot her! bloody bastard, you killed your wife! You freaking did what you swore you would never do! You vowed you will protect her, you ended up being her worst nightmare!

Her pulse was gone her eyes wide open, her innocent smile still formed on her face.
" Damien! Damien! Baby "

My eyes shot open .

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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