Chapter 20

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I have to stop watching this videos . It won't end well for me . I will begin to have a deep addiction.
I washed my hands clearing my cum . I came a load of it. Staring at the mirror, the images of the video kept replaying in front of me .
I shut my eyes, got to get a grip of myself .
Buckling my belt and zipped up my pants.
I walked out of the restroom. I took out my phone  , she had company.

I walked into my office , Casey already informed me a gentleman had come to see her. I went to my office and walked to hers .
She stood next to her man , it wasn't hard to tell  what had happened here . As Damien let out his hand to shake mine, I felt a scent. A strong scent of a woman's womanhood. I fell madly in love with the scent.
Like the scent of wet soil at the beginning of a rainfall downpour. It just made me feel like I was floating in sexual healing .

I clicked on Greg's file , his project was something I will consider investing in , a young boy with big dreams .
The scent on my hand was sinking me in . That’s definitely her vagina scent. I wonder how good she tastes like .
Why is this happening to me , I knew it would be addictive but I didn't expect it would be this much .
Then Damien , why did I get a weird feeling when he stared into my eyes ?
What are this two doing to me ? Maybe it's because they are what I always wished to be . Happily married with someone that gets me and sees me for who I am and accepts me for it.
I have dark desires and anytime I see Goddess they come to life .

"Mr Sanchez" came her seductive voice.
I looked away from my computer and shifted my gaze at her.
" I am done for the day "

" you can go, you don't have to ask for permission " I said.

She glared at me ...Yeah I know I am being rude but it's for the best at that point I was holding back by a thread.
I have  strong self control but this woman came in and scrapped it off challenging and daring me.

" I know what you came to was not okay at work. I apologize for it .I will repair the table"

" go home Mrs Carter. " I blurted and returned my gaze back to my computer.
She sighed heavily and walked away .
I glared at her as she left shutting the door behind her .

At some point I felt so bad I told her off like that but only I know how much of a monster I can get had she stayed one more minute in my presence.


" how was work , did he lash at you ?" Damien asked as he started the car .

" he was cold , not anything I didn't expect, it's obvious he knew what happened"

" I noticed how he looked at you, I told you he likes you "

" yeah , like Satan likes to see us all in hell, he's probably going to fire me in the morning"

" he wouldn't" He looked sideways for any incoming car before taking the turn .
" why so?"

" if he was to fire you he would have done that quite a long time ago."

"maybe "

"it will be fine , you just need to be cautious though baby... Careful he doesn't snap on you?"

" how so?"

" you know how guys can't hold it together near a sexy woman"

"enlighten me "

" well when a man is fantasizing a hot woman and she stands near him sometimes he begins to have thoughts of having her whether she likes it or not "

" rape ?"

" something like that. "

"had you ever had such thoughts about anyone?"

" yes , I couldn't have her and she was planning to go on a date with some douche biker dude... He stood her up and she got drunk ,I was called to pick her up by the bartender not sure how out of everyone he called me but am glad he did  .I brought her to my home by then Brad was in Italy attending a family function .I was  home alone  with her . I was overcome with emotions, dark twisted thoughts flooded me.It kept thinking if I did it she wouldn't know , she doesn't even know she's here with me, I could just clean her up and claim I found her like that. I was so close to becoming a monster, I had desired to have her so badly . I wanted to claim her ,hold her , kiss her even if she's unconscious, and tell her how I feel about her something I knew if she were awake she wouldn't let me do. She was at my disposal ,I had dominance over her .But then I couldn't do it .. . "

"what made you not do it?"

" I remembered that's not who I am.I wasn't going to take her by Force. I wasn't going to be her worst nightmare , a torment and trauma. All she has ever done is let me into her life as a great friend. It would have been selfish of me to thank her by raping her while she's unconscious." 

" she must be lucky to have been saved by a guy like you"

" she was lucky I did save her and didn't let my greed get the better part of me ."

"what happened to her , do you know if she's alive ?"

".yes ... she is ...I  am married  to her "

My mouth dropped

" what !"

" yes ,  she is you"

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