Chapter 7

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" It's wonderful to see you Damien , please have a seat " 
I have no idea what Mr Jack has for me . The look on his face was hard to read . Uncompromising.
I nervously took a seat. My hands were shaking already.
I was worried about my wife on the other hand  , what if she can't handle it? I know it's painful for her to go through the trauma. I trust Brad to take care of her .
When she went into a state of shock a while back .
I was told to give up on her , and " set her free" one of the most painful decision I was ever  made to make . She couldn't walk,talk , at times she would pass out and I had to use a strong scent to wake her up . I went everywhere with her , to work, restroom, to the park.
Even if she couldn't do anything ,she could hear me .

I knew she was alive and would live .
Her mom left it to me to decide if I would administer Euthanasia as I was at her care , the only family my wife has, she was my responsibility.
There was a time I thought of giving up, but I picked myself up and kept going for her.
I stated my vows for better or for worse to cherish and love her .
One evening I had a slight accident, that moment was what made me fear losing her .
I turned on the taps into the bathtub so I could bathe her.
I laid her inside carefully balancing her .
My phone rang , it was from the shipping company, three luxury cars had arrived, I sent them a code and  instructions on where to deliver totally forgetting my wife was still in the bathtub and the taps still running.
By the time I remembered I threw my phone on the sofa and ran to the bathroom.The bathroom  was flooded and she was submerged into the water , tiny bubbles of air popping above the bathtub  , I was beyond shocked, confused and in despair, my wife was drowning, had drowned whatever the word ,I was desperate to save her .
I got her out quickly adminstering  her some CPR .
She wasnt breathing ,  I was sobbing praying that the doctors prayer would not have been answered ,
I laid her in the couch , I took my phone and called the one person I knew would  come to my aid .
He didn't dissapoint he picked in a ring.
" Damien p "
"Brandon , she...shes dead...It was an accident ...Oh my god Brandon my wife is dead ..."

" Damien  please calm down am on my way , don't do anything rash okay,"

" oh no...oka... okay..."
How could I have been so reckless and left that stupid tap open .
I am such a stupid moron.
As he promised Brandon came but he was not alone , next to him was  a man  holding a briefcase, why did he bring in a witness?
" this is Castro, hes a doctor "
We exchanged hands .
"if I may " Castro said .
I pointed to the couch .
He checked for her pulse, did some examination on her immobile body .
He touched her temple and stroked her cheek. Not sure seeing him touch her like that is my idea of  examination.
He moved his hand to her abdomen parting the sheets exposing her skin .
I tried to stop him but Brandon held my arm .
Leading his hand gently to her chest as if he was directing something .
When he reached her neck , he stroked it gently with the back of his hands.
Suddenly Lioness coughed back to life , did he just water bend or something and brought my wife back to life ? I was certain she was gone, I  had already written a suicide letter  and kept it in my home  office , it would entail how  I wish to be buried. In a sack ,a shame or a man that killed his wife .
I dont know how I would live without my wife .That incident dawned on me just about how much my world would shatter if she never woke up.
Any time she left to serve this damned nation I would cry on the inside .
She gave me a phone and said if it ever rings , I should always remember she loves me deeply and will forever be in my heart .
My greatest fear came to life when that phone did ring one night .
It was her commander, he told me she was permanently suspended from the United States Military . I didnt care if she was suspended or not , what mattered to me was that she was coming back home alive and well.
I dont know what she may have done that got her permanently suspended but what I do know is it must've been something bad. She was so obedient , disciplined and respectful so I scrapped out immoral behavior , from what she once told me , she was  the team leader. Its obvious to know what went wrong . I know it's not her fault , I believe so .

After my meeting with my attorney. I had some good news and some bad news .
I went back to Brandon's office.
I knocked .
"come in"
Deep down I wished he wasn't there or maybe someone else was inside , just not him.
He is my ex , he and I have had some pretty good memories , the best ones before I met Goddess  .
How Nate and I met was probably not a romantic tale but we will get into that later.
I walked in .
" Damien  pleasant to see you, Lioness just left a minute ago we had a pleasant talk . "

" thank you for doing this for me Brandon, how can I pay for your my wife"

" you dont need to,  I am only doing this out of free will, your wife is a remarkable lady , I value and lo... " he stopped.

However hard he tries to deny it , I know he still loves her  it never died it just stuck on him that he let me be with her
"you still love her Brad, I understand we both love the same person. "

" but only you could give her the life I couldn't, treat her better and care for her , she needs you more than she needs me "

"I hurt her though, she  nearly died because of me, and now she comes home to nearly us losing everything , I havent given her the life she always wanted "

He took my hand .
" she hasn't complained , she seems happy and proud of you , Damien you are the best husband. Not many would have handled things the way you did . Everything will work out you will see "

" thank you for that "

" you are welcome"

I was hurt when he ended things as I didn't expect he would do so.
He just broke up with me out of tbye blue. I had to accept it and leave .
He kicked me out , it was harsh but for the best .
That very same night I was in a hotel, I recieve a call from an aquintance , an old friend.
He told me he saw Goddess in Atlanta , he bumped into her at the mall  . He gave her a ride home as  it was raining heavily .
He told me where she lived  by the street name and where the building stood and it's surrounding and doing my quick Google search I found the address .
" Delaviv Apartments"
I didn't waste any time .I packed my bags and went straight to the airport booked a ticket and flew on the last available plane to Atlanta.
Those four hours felt like an eternity.
I booked a hotel to keep my stuff .When I went to her apartment at first she wasn't home ,it was locked.
Her neighbor informed me she had left but would be back in the evening .
I waited  till nightfall in my hotel. Worried till I fell asleep.I was a hopless stalker .
It was quite late but I only had one goal to see her ,hold her and feel her warmth.

When I got to her apartment door ,I was nervous, I could hear tv noises from inside .
I knocked hoping and praying it wasn't a mistake that Marc made .

Maybe he saw a woman that looked like her .
She opened the door .I nearly dropped to my knees , finally after a very long time I finally saw her .

I left Brandon's office as he had another client to attend to, a teen who looked like a drug addict judging by the needle marks on his arms and drowsy look on his face .
I feel so bad for the kid ,he couldn't even look up.
As I scanned around for her I spotted her , a driver yelled at her she quickly moved away from the road and onto the other side.
I quickly tapped her shoulder to snap her back to reality .She was having a hallucination episode. I felt so bad she's going through all this . I wish I could just erase her painful memory about  Afghanistan. That place  tormented her .I trust Brandon will get my wife to a mentally safe place.
I will take great care of her  all her dreams , goals and mental health will be my first priority . My queen  my baby .

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