Chapter 3

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I changed into my blue lace night gown .
He walked into the bedroom innocently.
His eyes fixed on me .
" come " I opened my arms to him.
He slowly walked to where I stood .
I embraced him with a hug , he held me tightly.
" I promise we will get back up I really do "

I turned his face to mine .
" you are hard , right there"  I pointed his member

He smirked .
Despite what is going on with the finances he is still my husband and will always be .
Damien and I started with nothing.
After our wedding we came back to start our lives , living in a one bedroom apartment , eating stamps. Always checking on magazines for buy one get one free  promos so we could have  more for less.  We lived like peasants. Though we could have had the best ,we had to save up for the project he was working on in car dealership.
When I took my vows I stated for better or for worse .
I can't just back away from the love of my life because if this simple issue.
Money comes and goes but love is forever.
He's stayed loyal to me despite the fact he could have easily gone out of our marriage.
I have never had a reason to doubt my husband.
He tells me everything , this financial problem is the one thing he's not told me of .
I would have done the same if I were him, I wouldn't tell my husband we are about to lose everything right when he came from a traumatic mission.
"is that why you were acting strange?"


" Damien I am your wife, you should not fear telling me anything. We have always gotten through things together and we always will."

" thanks a lot.  You mean everything to me . You are the love of my life and will always be "

He and I used to do this trick, we would act like we are not together so we could take enough samples .

We didn't want to rely on our families for help as they had done enough for us by gifting as a beautiful wedding.
He and I come from different homes but the get along very well.

You can't just give up on someone like that because finances are low .

He's seen me in my darkest moments when I was at a mission in Burkina Faso we were working with the nature conservancy to preserve nature and avoid exploitation we had a battle with the rebels who wanted to exploit the poor villages.
There was a silent genocide going on in a nearby village , it just do happened I along with the others were doing a random stroll when we came across a body of a mother and a baby on her back.
Thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach .
She was badly cut along with her baby , that image was among the many traumatic ones I saw and honestly it damaged me .
I felt like I could have done something to help  ,or I could have arrived earlier... just anything to prevent that .
But sadly we can't prevent everything from happening.
When I came back home I couldn't stop crying , Nate helped me over come that pain .
He held my hand so tightly in my healing journey.
I need him , he needs me .
Sadly when I came home from the tragic mission very tragic news are delivered.
My mom passed away in a car accident .
One bad news on top of the other sad experience.

I was torn from reality and went into a state of shock.
The trauma was so unbearable that my body had to shut down for months. I couldn't move , eat, nothing besides just stare .
It was Damien  that fed me , washed me  and spent so many hours by my side he moved to working from home.

He made me his responsibility . Took care of me when I was nothing but a rubble of hopelessness.

" How was Afghanistan" he asked .

I don't want to talk about it ,my mood shifted immediately. Why did I remember it ?

I will forget eventually, hopefully ... somehow.

Am just not yet ready to talk about what happened back then because it was all my fault and my stupid self. My hands began to shake , I don't want to remember , I  hate it playing in my head .

" Baby... why don't we go to bed its cold "

I stared at him .
He carried me into his arms .
A giggle escaped my lips.

" remember when I carried you like this on our wedding then we both fell I had lost balance"

" I was the one in heels or wait no, you dropped me "

" I will never forget that day "

He covered both of us .I laid my head on his chest .

His very masculine , seems he's been working out more since I left .
" how were you surviving without me ?" I asked .

" I would lay a pillow next to me on your side of the bed , then in my mind I would picture it's you .No day went by when I didn't think of you "

" I always had you too in my head, stubborn, funny an sexy "

" sexy huh?"

" yes "

" are you sure about that?"

" yes "

" tell me about it "

" I missed your tongue in my pussy , popping my magical balloon."

He sat up.

" hmmm.... I missed your taste . I used to sniff your panties and rub my cock"

" such a bad boy "

" my bad girl"

We collided into a passionate kiss .
He got on top of me , gents sliding my nightdress off , covering my neck with hot kisses as his fingers rubbed my ready clit.

He licked his hand.

" you taste so freaking amazing, but I want to taste you more ."

He scrolled down my body and nested between my legs .

Gentle moans of pleasure filled our room .
He never disappoints with his tongue.

Coming back up , he penetrated me ,I squealed a little .It's been years since I had a cock inside me  , the entire stretch feels like am back to being a Virgin again.

We held on to each other as we bursted with climax .
Panting heavily and smiling in joy we accomplished what we had longed for.

Desire to have each other like this .
You think we only went one round ... think again .
My husband fucked my brains out , by the time he was done I was  too exhausted to get up and my legs had tiny bits of organisms popping magically.

Narration by me available on Spotify 😘

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