Chapter 16

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I nodded at myself .
I love this outfit.
Crisp white shirt and dark pants with dark shiny leather shoes .
I wore my golden Rolex watch my wife gifted me on my birthday.
It was a limited edition, only seven were made and she made sure I got one.
I turned around , she was glaring at me with a smirk on her face .
" you are the one that's late this time " she said .
I chortled.
She looked bedazzling in a short brown leather skin tight dress serving with a golden necklace.
She wore black sandal heels , her toe nails beautifully  painted in white polish.
She was serving sexy tonight, I am wondering if it's her we are going to eat or the meal .
I let out my hand to her .
She got closer taking my hand .
" I would like to tell you something" she said.

" sure go ahead ."

" I took out the implant"
What ?

" Are you serious"

"yes , I think it's time for us to bring in Damien junior... Damien am ready"
I have been waiting for this moment . To finally have a complete family with her .

I snuggled her .
" this is the best news , I have longed for this. "

" me too. This time it's just you and I . Us . No more army , "

I felt like crying .
" we should get going before Brad begins to pour the food " I said .

" indeed "

Can't wait to come back and rehearse baby making skills on her .
While she was in the army it was difficult for us to have time for us .
She didn't stay for long at home before being posted as a volunteer then Afghanistan happened.
Now that she's never going back , I feel like we are back to the heat we had.
I missed her so much that I felt the value of appreciating and keeping the fire burning in our marriage.
The first step is to ensure her mental state is healthy.
Before her mom died she called me , by then she was posted in Burkina Faso.
She was fond of me . The best mother in law anyone would have ever asked for .
One Saturday evening she called and told me to take great care of her daughter and never be the monster her father was.
An hour later she got into a car accident.
I didn't know how to tell my wife her mother had passed away . There were two Sherriff a lady and a man that came to deliver the news ,right then Goddess had arrived home.
Sherriff Tracy was kind enough to be the one to tell her the sad news , how she handled it was really respectful.She held her as she sobbed .
When my wife went into a state of shock she took it upon herself to teach me how to take care of her like what soaps to use when cleaning her vagina as some would alter the PH of her vagina , how to shave her and how to use sanitary pads.
At times she would call to check up on her . She made sure I wouldn't get parking tickets or stopped .
An angel heaven sent .

Goddess couldn't come to identify her body . I made all funeral plans and took care of expenses.
As the only guardian she has I have the responsibility not just as her husband but her life long companion to ensure she is mentally, physically, sexually, and emotionally okay.

" What are you thinking?" she asked

" how full you will come home" I said .

" I am hungry already"

" I can see "

" am driving"

"no way "

" I know how "

" okay I will let you drive , just for today "

" yes ! " she exclaimed excitedly

She happily took the keys from the table.
You wouldn't even know we are about to get kicked out of our house by the bank.
We are the most unbothered couple .The world would be ending but we would be in each other's arms fucking pleasurably .
She took off her shoes .
I adjusted the seat for her. She started the engine .

Her phone rang.
I peeked .
' angry bird ' on her call screen . She's funny.

" what does he want now " she remarked with a tone of irritation

" I could answer for you "

She fastened her seat belt then grinned .

" yes please "

I swiped right to recieve a call .

" Hello" I said .

" Hello , am I speaking to Mrs Carter " came the reply.
I think I have heard this voice , I can't recall where .

" No, you are speaking to her husband"

" very well. Inform your wife to cancel the dinner with the Sandavals at Haute restaurant, something came up and I wouldn't be able to attend."

" okay .I will deliver the news to her at the moment she's ..."

He ended the call before I could finish.

He's rude.

" see, I told you he's not the fun kind "

" I now get why you named him angry bird "

" He's more scarier in person "

" I am certain I recognize his voice I can't tell exactly where "

" maybe in a nightmare ,like a mosquito that won't go away . Can you do me a favor?" she asked .

" no "

" great, go to my notebook the third app. copy paste the number on Haute restaurant and call it , inform them Mr Sanchez has cancelled" she said .
Maybe it's a mere coincidence but I was certain I knew this guy .

I did as she said .

She drove swiftly .
" we are here "
She stopped infront of the large gates . They automatically opened.
His mansion was exquisite , like a Hollywood celebrity home .
A fountain at the centre with his big house behind .

Brad is one privileged kid that loved to live humble.
His mother was the daughter of a Mafia Don . She got pregnant with him at a young age of 14. The only child and grandson, she didn't want to be married to the Italian Principe so she got pregnant by a mademan .
When the mafia realized the feds were on their balls the Don opted to put all his money on his grandson's name perfectly hidden in various accounts all over the country and the world.
His grandfather was assassinated along with his mother as he was taking her to airport .
Brad wanted to stay the hell away from the mafia as possible and opted to study and get a career like a normal kid .
He had so much wealth left under his name it just lays there.
He owns the mental health facility he works at.

Brad is like a secret millionaire he has it all but doesn't love to show it. His family is a family of wealth.
This mansion costs about thirty million.
Designed by the best Italian architect , it was a gift from his grandfather to him just at the age of six.
Six and he had his own house meanwhile at six I was writing 'please wash me ' on dusty random car windows .

He and Castro were waiting for us at the entrance .

We parked the car.Fascinated at how my wife can park a car so smoothly.
" if I can fly a jet , I can definitely park like a pro" she said .

" I keep forgetting that "

Before holding her hand I slapped her ass. She giggled .
" I forgot to do that while we were at home "

My day is never complete without me slapping that fat round ass , hearing that slap is satisfactory that my day will be great.

We walked to Brad and Castro's warm welcome.

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