Chapter 10

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She walked with elegance  her head held high , every step she took commanded respect.
She looked amazing in that outfit. She's even more gorgeous in real life than her pictures.I was indeed taken back .

When our eyes met each other, I was taken aback by her impeccable beauty. Now I see why Brad was obsessed with her.
Tiny waist, big titties thick ass , curvy just at the right place.

My focus was on her, she is perfect, just what I need .
" George you captured it" I asked over my phone .

"crystal clear I did "
Her husband was adequately handsome, someone I wouldn't mind kissing. He has kissable lips, moist, full  and pink.

They are the most beautiful interracial couple I have ever seen .
I went to the rest room to escape the noises and make a call. This is going to be big.
Super big.

" you have installed everything, great. You are the best "
I ended the call , took a piss and right there he walked into the restroom.
Goddess's husband.Mr Carter himself .

As I washed my hands I glared at him from the mirror.
He took a piss.
He's cute , his lips damn.
He came to wash his hands .I distracted myself with the paper towels.
He picked a call.
"hey, yeah it's available. I am currently not in the showroom but Kelly could assist you. Yes we have matte black G wagon. As soon as possible, thank you bye"  his voice was deep slightly close to mine.
He ended the call his eyes met mine.
I had to think of something fast ... before he notices I was checking him . Wondering how he makes love to his wife. He's masculine, she's petite, he could easily lift her up and lean her against the wall.
Quit it man !
"I couldn't help but over hear, you deal with cars"

"yes, I sell them"

" what type?"

" basic , classic to luxury name it"

" can I have your card... incase I wish to purchase"

"my bad, I didn't carry one but I could give you my office number"

"sure, that will work"

I gave him my phone he took  down his number, I called it rang in his pocket.
He took out his phone.
His wall paper was her, she was nude but covered her breasts and crotch with a white sheet. Her body hot and wet .  One leg forward .
She stared daringly at me as if begging to be climaxed.
"I will save it "

"Nate  Sanchez"

"Damien  Carter"

"pleasure to meet you  Nate l"

"pleasure is mine Damien"

We shook our hands .
I felt something I couldn't explain.

That image of his wife turned me the fuck on .
After he left .
I made another call .
"can you access something for me .Good"

I went back to the reception.
The two love birds were dancing.
I looked at George , he nodded .
There was something erotic about the way they danced.
It was smooth, slow and intimate. His hands held her waist curling possessively as she held his neck in comfort. He was proud of his wife , something I could tell  , who wouldn't ? She's a whole package .
It wasn't hard to notice how inlove they both looked as they stared into each others eyes.
I felt like I was watching a live romance movie very certain they would fuck on stage until Castro stepped in for a dance with Damien .
Argh Castro shu !

Goddess  let him take over from her as she danced with my brother.
This is about to get interesting and am not even the main character.
She was talking to Brad when suddenly she began to freeze. Scanned around the place mortified .
Taking a step back, something wasn't right.
Brad called her twice.
She looked terrified, like a flashback sunk her in.
Brad drew her close , he looked at her husband and kissed her.
I was not expecting to see that ... I was in awe.
She snapped out of whatever she was in and kissed him back , wrapping her hands around him.
They both backed away from the kiss right about the same time.

She was horrified at what she had done and ran off, dissapeared among the crowd. Well isn't this the most interesting wedding I had ever attended . To think that I nearly missed this wedding ,I had already cooked up an excuse not to show up. Some non  agribusiness meeting  needed my presence. Brad would have understood.
There was a buzz ,  Damien went after her , Castro went to speak to Brad.
Castro hugged him .
George texted me we meet outside briefly.

" all set , "

" perfect"

I kissed her temple, she was exhausted after a long night of love making.
I admired her naked body as she laid her head on my chest sound asleep .
My phone vibrated.
It was a text from Brad.
" hey, hope everything is okay? How is she doing?"

"She's asleep, soundly. We are doing okay , Brad thank you so much"

"  It's nothing, I had to snap her out of the trauma. It is definitely taking a toll on her , it's okay if she wouldn't feel comfortable coming for a session."

" I will ask her about it "

" please take care of yourself as well as her . You will both get through this "

" thank you , I hope I didn't cause an issue between you and your husband?"

" no not at all , Castro understands the situation. Well you could make it up by joining us for dinner on Saturday. Goddess already said yes"

"  As a favor , I will. If she will be okay with attending. "

" it will be great you will love it "

" okay , we will attend. "

" just make sure you wear something sexy incase things go ...🤭"

" I will remember that "

He's planning something , sexy, spicy hot am in if my wife agrees to it .
I won't lie ,him kissing my wife  sent a hot tingle of excitement inside me . A heat rush straight to my cock.
After learning he and my wife fucked while we were dating.
He actually told me himself. Without any fear that he smashed her while I was in Dubai making ties with investors so we could come up with this business.

" I asked her out , she agreed to it , it looked like it would rain and so I brought her to  our other apartment near the restaurant, indeed it rained heavily. We talked and laughed ,  things escalated quickly in the heat  of the moment. We kissed and I went down on her . She tasted so marvelous.I made love to her soft and easy . She was very tight . " he confessed.

Instead of getting upset he went outside our relationship and slept with her ,I became aroused.
As I banged him I would ask him to tell me  how he did her every single detail of it , if she came , if she moaned , if she held on to him she did with me as I broke her virginity.

" we will see you both  then?"

" if she  agrees "

"  let me know incase of anything... anything at all . "

" thank you, I appreciate you and Castro.We really had a fantastic moment at your wedding. Thanks for the reservations too "

" you are more than welcome.Good night Damien "

" Good night Brad "

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