Chapter 15

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Nate .
I heavily panted as I came to a release .
It felt great to get out some steam . The first clip got me over the age  and it's just the first .
I went to the bathroom to clean up .
She is soon going to arrive here any moment and I didn't want to scare her with a hard dick , her first day of work and she already feels sexually assaulted...not what I have in mind .
I heard the door open .
I went out of my office bathroom. I know my office damn well , anyone that comes in and goes out I know when they do so .

When I walked out I became hard again. She stared around the room .
Calming myself down from remembering the clip .I was back to my self .
She looked magnificent in a tight black pencil skirt that hugged her alluring curves. And a tight white top perfectly drawing the shape of her busty round breasts .
She had the body most women this days pay dozens of cash to have .
Her chocolate skin was slowly becoming my obsession.
Like smooth Swiss refined chocolate with no blemish .
Her braids were perfectly knotted on her  head. Just like her name she looked like a goddess.
Her scent was uplifting and innocent cherry . My 6'3 height towering over her.

I don't know if it's a good idea to have this hotness package working for me , but it's worth the try.I love the challenge.

She walked to her office, her stiletto heels slapping the marble tiles .
I watched her ass move from side to side.
I am such a pervert for glaring at a married woman  with my dirty mind .
Worse was the clip . I don't think I will enter heaven for watching it.
She dissappeared into her office .
I wonder how she will do on her first day .
Turning on my computer, to go through a new proposal of an energy plant project.
The project wants my financial support.It was an idea established by a college graduate.If the idea is promising I will fund the project.
As I was going through the plan , I felt her scent.
I looked away from my computer.
She stood a few meters away from my desk .

" am sorry to bother you but you didn't tell me your would you like me to refer to you?". she asked.
Call me daddy ...

Her voice was low and quite seductive.
" Mr Sanchez, " I said .

" thank you Mr Sanchez" she said.

Don't look at the ass , don't look at it  .
I looked at her  ass as she went back to her office .

It's not like I was in desperate need of a Personal Assistant.
Cassandra would have taken care of that , but I had other plans .
Distracting myself with work avoiding those crazy thoughts about her .
Evening came quite fast .
" Mr Sanchez , I  have already sorted all your mails and organized your schedule for tomorrow. I have sent you the email of tommorow's schedule." she said elegantly.
There is something about this woman I can't put my finger on just yet . Something that draws you to her for no reason like  an invisible rope  .

" you are free to go Mrs Carter " I said ,my eyes still fixed on my computer.

She walked to the door then stopped and turned to look at me , just when I was about to stare at her .
" Mr Sanchez thank you so much for the job .I really appreciate it " 
I finally looked at her.
" you are welcome Mrs Carter "
She let out an adorable smile before walking out .
That smile made me smile on my own in my office after she left .

" so how was your day?" Damien asked .

" it went well "  I replied .
He came to pick me up .
I fastened my seat belt .
He reached to the back seat.
" I got you something.I know it's not your..."

"Oh my goodness Damien, just what I needed. Chilled strawberry milkshake  .Thank you so much " I said.
I was craving to have one .
" You are welcome, how is your new job? Was it exciting?"  he asked.

"it was scary at first. My boss is like some Christian Grey. He doesn't even smile has that scary look. I honestly don't think he likes me . Speaking of which I got the job as a personal assistant"

He threw a glance at me then back on the road leading to the main road .
" That is quite better, you are a good PA"

" I don't think he likes me , he looks like he can spit acid "

Damien  chortled heartily.
" He's that bad "

"you have no idea.The way he looks at you it's like he can see inside you ,your soul, your insides of your soul and all your sins."

Damien couldn't stop laughing.
" baby... am quacking " he laughed .

"  He's tall, doesn't laugh, smile it's like he hates the universe for existing . He doesn't even look at me when I talked to him"

" maybe you were weakening him making him hard giving him  hard time to look at you "

" for real ?"

"just a random perception baby "

" if only you saw him you would see how hard he is to even get hard . "

" you looked gorgeous , am proud of styling you. " he said .

" thanks a lot " I said .I do give credit to him , he picked  the best outfit for me .

" oh shoot! " I remarked.
I remembered I was supposed to make a call to Brad.
" everything okay ?"

" I was to call Brad about the therapy"

I dialled his number .
He picked in two rings .
" Goddess ,great to hear from you"

" Hey Brad, I am really sorry I didn't call you earlier to tell you about postponing my therapy for the day. "

" it's okay Goddess, are you doing well?" he asked .

" yes , thank you "

Talking to Brad has been quite helpful I feel so good letting my heart out to him . Telling him things only Damien knows of .
" I am glad to hear that "

" Can I request something?"

"sure go ahead "

"what if we switch to evening sessions."

" what time would you suggest"

" five " I said .

" sure that works fine "

" thank you Brad "

" you are welcome Goddess"

" I haven't forgotten the dinner . Damien and I will attend... cook in plenty Damien eats like a lion this days "

Damien laughed .

" Thank you for accepting the invite .Yes we will prepare as much food as we can " he said .

" thank you Brad pass our regards to Castro."

" very well, like wise pass our regards to Damien. "

The call ended .

Damien was smiling at me .
" what ?" I giggled .
" I am really happy you are taking this therapy session seriously.  I didn't think you would still want to go but am Proud you are doing your best to get help"

" I should thank you for going out of your way to get me the help"

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