"Unknown room..." (Shane x Reader)

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Photo Credits: cowboycourier on Tumblr
Requested by: @LaurahTheQueen
Written by: Me ^•^

It was a gloomy, cloudy day. On these days you don't seem so motivated to do much farm work, you trudged your way through your chores and once you get to your animals, you realize that you need more hay. "Oh c'mon..." you whisper to yourself. You collect the animals products, finishing up your chores and head out to Marnie's Ranch.

You enter the ranch, immediately the smell of fresh hay hits your nose. You smile to yourself, the smell of the Ranch always brings you some sort of nostalgia, maybe it's from helping out grandpa on his farm when you we're younger, well, what now is your farm. You start to drift off, remembering moments where you would bring buckets to your grandpa for the cows milk, or the times where you would spend hours watering what looked like to you to be endless miles of crops, but it was all worth it when you would both drink a nice refreshing glass of orange juice after.

You suddenly snap out of your trance when you hear Marnie shuffling out of the kitchen, "Hello? Oh, Y/N! What brings you here?" she says, giving you a big smile. "Oh, I just need some hay for my animals, I ran out again.." you say, sheepishly crossing your arms. She let's out a loud laugh, "Ok, Ok, I'll go fetch you your hay, just give me a minute." she says, turning around and heading to where the hay is. You take the chance to look around, you enter the kitchen, remembering the many occasions where you would bring Shane peppers from your farm, just thinking about him makes you smile. Glancing around the room, you notice a door in the right hand corner you had never noticed before. "Huh?" you say out loud, you head towards the door, looking around to make sure no one was looking, and slowly opened it.

Upon entering it you see...blue chickens?? You look up and see Shane, sitting on the floor with a white chicken in his arms. He jumps, and turns to look at you. "Y/N?..My god you scared the shit out of me." He says, relaxing. He stands up, still holding the chicken, "What are you doing here?" You widen your eyes, you realize that you just barged into a room unannounced, "Oh...OH! I'm so sorry Shane I just have never noticed this room before and I should've knocked an-" you said, before you can finish your sentence he chuckles, leaving you flustered, he looks up and says, "Don't worry about it, it's not like this room is a secret or anything.." he shrugs, a small smile on his face. "..How are these chickens blue?" you ask, looking down at one of the blue chickens, "I don't know honestly, I think they ate a lot of blueberries as chicks so they turned blue once they matured, what's interesting is that their offspring are also blue, so it's now in their DNA." he says, he looks down at one of the blue chickens and then at you, "This is my favorite chicken, Charlie." he says, he walks over and you look more closely at the white chicken.

After a bit of small talk, you and Shane sit down on the floor of the room and Shane puts down Charlie, who promptly walks over towards you and jumps onto your lap. You widen you eyes, and look up at Shane, he lets out a small chuckle, "I guess Charlie likes you.." he says, looking at you. You agree and cradle the chicken in your arms, careful not to startle her.

"Y/N.." Shane says, drawing your attention. "Yeah?" you say, looking up at him. "You always bring me peppers from your farm and try to talk to me, it's really obvious." he says, you look up at him, worry in your eyes, "Obvious?" you say. "Yeah, it's obvious that you have a crush on me." he says, with a smirk on his face he looks up at you. Your face flushes, and you look at him with wide eyes. "heh, im joki-" he stops mid sentence, seeing your facial expression. "Wait, do you actua-" he says, right as you pull out a bouquet, your face not being able to be more red. You sit there, with Charlie in one arm, and a bouquet in the other hand. He looks at the bouquet, then at you, the back at the bouquet. "Are you really asking me out, right now?" he says, his face also flushed red. "...yes?" you say quietly, your arm slightly shaking now as you grow more nervous. "Oh..um..seriously? Like, this isn't a joke?" he says, slightly moving away from you. "...no?" you say weakly, now regretting everything, you feel your eyes getting watery with tears. He looks up at your face, and moves towards you grabbing your hand, which is holding the bouquet. "Wait.. shit..Y/N, I didn't mean it like that. I accept! I like you too, I just didn't think.." he stops himself, and pulls you into a hug. You let go of Charlie, letting her jump down to the floor and hug him back, letting your tears fall down your face. "I hate you.." you say, hitting his back with the bouquet for making you worry so much. "I'm sorryy..." he says, tightening the embrace.

Once you regain your composure, much to Shane's guilt, you give him the bouquet, and he looks up at you with a small smile. "Are you sure...that you want to date someone like me?" he says, worry in his eyes. "Shane. I cried. Of course i'm sure that I want to date you." you say, crossing your arms in a light hearted annoyance. Shane lets out a small laugh, "Y/N i'm sorryyyyy..." he repeats, you then stand up and walk with him out of the room and see Marnie standing outside with a big grin on her face.

"Soooo..when are you two getting married?"


After you pay for the hay, you bid Marnie good bye, and walk out the door with Shane. "I'll see you later?" you ask, looking up at him with a small smile. "At the saloon? Yeah i'll see you there." he says, putting his hands into his pockets. You smirk to yourself, then give him a kiss on the cheek and walk away, letting out a small chuckle. Leaving him a flustered mess, which Marnie saw, and will never let Shane live it down.

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