"Drunk words are sober thoughts." (Leah x Reader)

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Photo credits: @_babyvs on TikTok
Requested by: @Stranger_things900
N/N: Nick name

A/N: Just letting ya'll know that you and Leah are drinking and getting drunk and shit. But, nothing bad happens so don't worry. 👍

Your day couldn't have gone worse. From the moment you woke up, everything just went to shit. You had just finished feeding your animals, and were making your way back to your house. As you headed inside, you caught a glimpse of yourself in a mirror. God damn, you look like a corpse. You sigh, and decide to make a trip to the Saloon in order to relax.

You take a shower, and put on a nicer looking outfit, before heading back out the door. On your way down the mountain to the Saloon, you can help but let your mind wander. You start to think about what you've done the past week, and your mind starts thinking about a certain red head that has caught your attention recently.


Oh. You're already here. As you enter the saloon, laughter and music fills your ears and the smell of freshly made food fills your nose, as well as alcohol. You take a moment to just look around and take in everything, you feel yourself smiling as you see Lewis and Marnie chatting in one table, Pam drunkenly talking to Gus at the bar, the distant sounds of what you assume is Sam and Sebastian playing pool, and Leah-hold on.

Leah is sitting alone at a table, a pencil in one hand and a glass of wine in another. She seems pretty concentrated as she draws rather quickly at her sketchbook. You can't help but notice a strand of hair fall in front of her face, making her put down her pencil to pull it back behind her ear, and how her beautiful violet eyes gaze into your own. Wait, huh.

Leah, still keeping eye contact, waves you over, with a small smile on her face. "Hey Y/N. What brings you here?" Leah says, motioning for you to sit down across from her. "I had a shitty day honestly, so i'm just trying to relax." You say, scooting your stool closer to the table. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Leah says, a frown forming on her face. She then waves over at Gus, who she then tells to bring her two glasses of wine. "My treat." Leah says, before you could protest.

As you tell Leah all about your shitty day, she listens intently, while adding a few comments of her own. You both also began to drink a little too many glasses of wine, leaving you pretty drunk, and Leah quite tipsy. "And then I slipped on th-the cow shit!!" You said, almost yelling. Leah was laughing her ass off at this point, clutching her stomach. "How bad did it smell?" Leah asked in between gasps of air. "Really, really bad." You said, in a fake, serious tone.

"You two should start heading out, I'm going to be closing soon." You hear Gus shout out to you and Leah. "Yes sir!" You say, standing up too quickly and almost falling backwards. "N/N hold on! Here, grab my arm." Leah says, walking over and lending you her arm to hold on to. Leah ends up walking you home, and upon reaching your house she says, "Sweet dreams N/N, be careful getting into bed." She then lets go of your arm and opens the front door for you. "Good night Leah, I love you." You say, leaning over to sloppily kiss her cheek before heading inside, closing the door behind you.

The last thing you remember was stumbling into your room and crawling into bed, and you immediately knock out.


*ring ring*

You hear your phone ringing in your back pocket, and as you groggily open your eyes you realize that you're still in last nights clothes. As you sit up, you feel a headache coming and you groan. Today is gonna be shit.

*ring ring*

Oh shit yeah, the phone. You fumble around in your sheets trying to grab your phone and once you do you answer. "Hello?" You say, realizing how hoarse you sound, you clear your voice. "Good morning N/N!" Leah says, almost making you jump out of the bed. "How did you sleep?" She says, giggling. "Oh um, like a rock." You said, chuckling nervously. "Is it ok if I come over? I need to talk to you." She says, keeping her voice light and cheery. You nearly choke on your own spit, "Sure??" You say, which then Leah says a quick goodbye and hangs up. Leaving you dumbfounded on your bed.

You then take a moment to open your camera to see how shitty you looked. Fuck, she's probably already on her way. You jump out of bed, disregarding the headache that you now have, to get ready. You took a shower and threw on some comfy clothes, and went to the kitchen to take some pain medication and drink some water.

*knock knock*

"Good morning!" Leah says, shes wearing a loose pair of short overalls and a crop top underneath, and a messy bun with a pencil tucked behind her ear.
You mutter a quick good morning before letting her in, just really surprised at the whole situation. "Would you like something to drink?" You said, while motioning for her to sit on the couch. "No I'm ok! I just wanted to talk to you about last night." She said, giving you a big smile. Oh shit, what the fuck did you tell her last night??

"Oh um, I'm so sorry if I said anything wrong Leah I-" You said, before being interrupted, "You don't remember?" Leah says, her big smile slowly turning into a frown. "No, I don't remember." You say, looking at how Leah looks down, breaking eye contact with you. "Well, um, you said..that you loved me." She says, looking back up at you with a small smile. Bro, you did not just drunkenly confess to her last night. That's it, you're never drinking again.

"I just thought about the saying that drunk words are sober thoughts..so I had hope that you.." Leah says, slumping her shoulders and appearing smaller than she is on your couch. You stay still, shocked, and embarrassed. Your silence makes Leah even more upset as she slowly stands up. "Maybe I was wrong, it's fine, i'll just get going now." Leah says, heading towards the door with teary eyes. You snap out of your thoughts and grab her wrist. "Hold on!" You say, making her stop and turn to look at you.

"I meant it. What I said last night I mean." You say, heat rushing to your cheeks as you let go of her wrist. "Really?" Leah says, looking at you with an unsure face and teary eyes. "Of course Leah, I was just too nervous to ask you out, but I guess my drunk self did it for me." You say, awkwardly reaching up to play with your hair. You see that Leah smiles brightly at you, before leaning in to kiss your cheek. "I love you too Y/N." She says, before turning around to open the front door.


"Wait! Hold on! Where are you going??" You say, dumbfounded. "Home. You have farmer duties to attend to don't you?" Leah says, looking over her shoulder and smirking at you. "Well yeah but-" you begin to say before Leah interrupts you again. "Call me when you're done with your chores so we can meet up at the secret forest." She says, winking. You feel your eyes widen and your cheeks burn. "Y-yeah. I'll call you." You say, watching as Leah giggles as she walks out the front door and down the mountain back to her house.

Jesus christ, what a woman.

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