"No mining for you" (Harvey x Reader)

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Fanart by: @sallolomafy on Tumblr
Requested by: @TheFaithful0ne

You were in the mines, fending off the stupid bugs and shit. You were faring pretty well, reaching the ladder to floor 90, after getting the obsidian edge and activating the elevator, you made your way down to the 91st floor.

Oh shit.

It's your fucking lucky day isn't it.

You had entered an infested floor, and before you knew it you we're quickly swarmed by a shit ton of red sludges, "Fuck." You then take out your obsidian edge and start going at it with the slimes. Just as you thought you we're getting a hold of things, a Shadow Shaman hits you from behind, and sends two Shadow Brutes after you, which totally catches you off guard.

You quickly feel yourself grow weaker after every blow you take, and you fumble around in your pockets and realize you brought no food with you, oh shit. As you weakly swing your sword in vain, you feel your vision start to fog up, and with no control over your body, you drop down to your knees, and let go of your sword.



You slowly open your eyes, the almost blinding light made your head pound. As your eyes adjust to the light, you realize that you are in Harvey's clinic, and were connected to a heart monitor and had an iv in your arm.

"Y/N?" You hear, and as you slowly move your head towards the sound, you see Harvey standing next to you with a clipboard and pen in his hands.

"Hey Harvey.." You say, giving him a small smile. You hear Harvey take a shaky breath, and see him tighten his grip on his clipboard. "What we're you thinking??" He suddenly yelled out, surprising you. "What?" You say, before Harvey interrupted you. "Going out into the mines so carelessly, you could've been killed!!" Harvey says, quickly putting down his clipboard and pen to move his hands around frantically while he talked.

"If it weren't for Marlon finding you half dead in the mines, you would've died!!" Harvey says, his cheeks flushing in anger and his brows furrowing in frustration. "Harvey, I'm fine-" You say, trying to calm him down. "NO! You're not fine! You have several injuries, and not to mention the head trauma that you had, you were asleep for two days!!" He says, tears starting to form in his eyes. You open your mouth to say something, but Harvey interrupts you again. "I thought you were dead Y/N, and I don't know what I would do with myself if you died, I..I love you too much for you to die..." He says, finishing his sentence with choked sobs as he hunches over the side of your bed.

You look at Harvey as his whole body shakes, while he sobs. You quickly feel a wave of guilt wash over you, so you reach an arm out to grab the side of his face. "Harvey, i'm okay. I'm sorry I made you worry so much." You said, wiping his tears away with your thumb. "As your doctor, I order you to not go into the mines for at least a month, until your injuries heal. And even then, you have to be extra prepared so you don't end up with no food or resources." Harvey says, with a tremble in his voice. He moves away from your bed to take another deep breath.

"Hold on."

"You love me?"

You see Harvey freeze up in embarrassment as his cheeks flush, he turns around to leave and you quickly sit up and grab his arm, despite your pounding headache. "Wait! Harvey I love you too!" You say, loosening your grip on his arm. He slowly turns around, his face beet red, and quietly says, "You do?"

"Of course I do dummy! Why else would I bring you coffee every day and spend hours talking to you about our lives?" You say, letting out a small laugh. Harvey exhales quickly, and furrows his eyebrows, feigning looking angry when he has the biggest smile on his face. "Well I thought you were just being kind." He says, crossing his arms. "Kind my ass Harvey, I've been wanting to date you ever since I moved into this town!" You say, now bursting out laughing. "Well then, are you sure? This isn't some kind of post head trauma thing isn't it?" He says, dropping his smile a little. "Oh shut up and come here." You say, pulling him in for a fat kiss on the lips.


Easy to say, despite your confession to each other, you weren't let off the hook so easily. For almost a week after your incident in the mines, Harvey made you come in to the clinic everyday to check up on your wounds, and made sure you didn't even lift a finger on your farm, for he had asked Marnie to come help with your animals and surprisingly Linus to come help with your crops, with Harvey coming in every once in a while to help you with anything else needed to be done.

If you even so mentioned the mines, Harvey shot a glare at you, and then proceeded to berate you about the dangers and the precautions you should take before even setting foot into the mines again.

Despite all of this, the honeymoon phase had slapped you in the face because now you could call Harvey your boyfriend, and shortly after healing your injuries, you announced to the town that you two were official, and damn did it feel good.

Almost every afternoon, after Harvey's shift, he would trek up the mountain to your farm, making sure to stop by the saloon and bring you two coffee (or any other drink you prefer) and would spend the rest of the day with you.

*knock knock*

"Hey Harvey!" You say, giving your boyfriend a hug and helping him with the drinks in his hands. To which he gives you a kiss on the cheek, which never fails to make you smile. You both then sit on the couch and drink your beverages while talking about each others day.

"So then Maru said that Abigail has been coming around a little too often lately to her house to visit Sebastian, and that she's starting to get suspicious that they are dating, but she doesn't know when to confront him about it." Harvey says, holding his coffee with one hand and waving around his other hand frantically while he talks. It's really endearing, his little quirks, and as you sipped on your drink, you couldn't help but notice he had a little foam on his mustache.

"Harvey" you said, making him stop stop talking, looking at you confused. You then lean forward and kiss him, making him fluster in embarrassment. "You had some foam on your stache love." You say, letting out a giggle as he stammers out a small "oh."

"We have been dating for almost a month and it still flusters you when we kiss." You say, now putting your half empty drink on the table in front of the couch. "Well! You always catch me off guard!" Harvey says, putting down his now empty coffee cup.  You take the chance to flop yourself down onto his chest, and reach for the tv remote. As you put on a random discovery channel about planes, you look up at him with big ol eyes.

"Can you stay for the night?" You say, watching as he  looks at you with wide eyes, before saying, "Of course." You both then cuddle on the couch, both in a heap of blankets and pillows while sharing a few kisses here and there.


"So, can I go mining tomorrow?"


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