"Come join us" (Haley x Reader x Alex)

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Fanart by: @elin-jamie on Tumblr
Requested by: @waitlexist

N/N: Nick Name

One of your chores for the day was to check your crab traps on the beach, Willy had been so kind to let you use part of his dock to keep your crab traps, since you wanted to catch crabs and lobsters to sell or eat.

As you made your way down to the beach, you seem to notice the absence of a certain couple. Alex and Haley we're usually at the ice cream stand together in the afternoon. With Alex running the ice cream stand and Haley usually just accompanying him. Sometimes, you would approach the couple and buy yourself an ice cream, and talk to them for a little before resuming to your tasks for the day. Some could say you work too hard, but you felt is was just enough.

As you reached the beach, you noticed Haley and Alex, setting down some beach towels. Haley was wearing a baby blue bikini with ruffles, and Alex was wearing green swim shorts. Meanwhile, you wearing looking gross asf, in your sweaty ass overalls and dirty work boots. The sight made you want to dig yourself into a hole and just die.

"Hey! Y/N!" You hear Alex yell out, making you look up at him and Haley, now sitting down on their beach towels. "You want to join us?" Haley asks, while taking out a bottle of sunscreen. "If you're not busy of course." Alex adds, tossing a football between his hands. "Um, well, I still have work to do.." you say, to which Alex looks over at Haley and they both nod to each other.

"Y/N!!!" Haley yells out, dramatically. "You're always so busyyy, you can never relax!!" She adds, standing up and grabbing you by the arm. "You should hang out with us! Consider it the break you need." Alex says, putting his hand on your shoulder. You sigh, somewhat flustered by the interaction, you give in. "Fine, i'll go home and change." You say, giving them a smile. Haley practically jumps up and down and hugs you. "Don't take too long Y/N!" She says, before running back to the beach towel. Alex gives you a big smile and goes back to accompany Haley.

I guess the crab traps can wait.

By the come you come back, wearing your swimsuit, (swim trunks, idk just swim wear?) Haley and Alex beam at you and wave you over. "Finallyyyy!" Haley yells out at you, and laughs. You sit down next to Haley and Alex on the sand, and immediately after Haley turns over to her bag and takes out her sunscreen. "Let me put sunscreen on you Y/N!" She says, already squeezing some onto her hand. "Oh no, I'm alright-" you begin to say before she starts rubbing the sunscreen onto your shoulder. Alex laughs at this exchange, and goes to stand up. "After Haley is done, you wanna play football?" He asks, making Haley furrow her eyebrows. "And leave me all alone here on the sand?" She says, while applying sunscreen on your back. "Well if you wanted to play football with us, you're open to join." Alex says, shrugging. You hear Haley 'humph' before grabbing your shoulder to turn you around before putting sunscreen on your chest, which surprises you. "I have to make sure you don't get burnt!" Haley says, although her real intent is pretty obvious. You blush at her touch, and once she finishes putting sunscreen on you, you get up and go play football with Alex.

While you two are passing the football, Haley works on her tan on the sand, occasionally getting up to say something or to laugh at you sucking at football. You and Alex make small talk, mostly about your days and such. "We hardly get to see you anymore N/N, are you sure you're not overworking yourself?" Alex says, catching the football. "No, i'm fine, it's just Summer's are pretty busy for me in the farm, and I have to put the time to good use." You say, shrugging. Alex scoffs, "You could put some of that time into hanging out with me and Hales, we enjoy your company." You blush at this, looking up to Alex with a warm smile. He chuckles, and then smiles smugly. Before you knew it, he picked you up and ran towards the water.



You both were now in the water, and Alex was laughing his ass off, while holding your waist firmly. Haley had sat up upon the noise, and yelled out, "Hey!! Wait for me!" Haley then got up from the sandy floor and ran to the water, quick to join you guys. The three of you began to splash each other, and Haley at one point tried to drown Alex, something about him getting her hair wet. You laugh at them and their antics, while also smiling at yourself, thinking of how lucky you were to have them as your friends. Thinking of that, you began to frown, friends, the word sounded so bitter to you. Haley and Alex had been dating ever since you had moved in, and the idea of them being more than your friends seemed crazy to you. Nonetheless, you couldn't help but think how nice it would be..

"N/N? You okay?" You hear Alex say, making you look up at him and Haley. "Oh, yeah I'm fine!" You say, giving them a small smile. Holding hands, Haley and Alex swam over to you, and Haley looked over at Alex, and squeezed his hand. As you stood there confused, Alex took a deep breath and looked over at you, "Y/N, we have to talk to you about something." The way he had said that made your stomach churn, he sounded almost nervous, which was totally unlike him. Haley said nothing but nodded, clinging onto Alex's arm. "Yeah sure, what's up?" You say, nervously playing with your hair. "We..we love you Y/N, and we'd like to date you." Haley says, looking up at you with a small smile. "We've been wanting to tell you for a while now, but since you we're always so busy, we could never find the right time to tell you." Alex adds on, moving his arm to rest on Haley's shoulders. You were dumbfounded, you we're so busy that you didn't realize that the two people you had loved since you had moved in had loved you too. You felt your eyes tearing up as you processed all of this, Haley takes notice of this and wraps her arms around your neck, giving you a hug. "We thought about it, a lot, and we decided that we could handle having another person in our relationship, if it was you." Alex says, putting his hand on your shoulder. You hiccuped, "I thought I was crazy, to have feelings for you two, when I knew you were together.." you said, putting your head on Haley's shoulder. "Well, Y/N, let us ask you properly." Alex says, gently pulling Haley away from you.

"Will you be our partner?"


Obviously, you said yes, and for the rest of the day, you, Haley, and Alex all splashed around at the beach, sharing a few kisses and cuddling on the sand.

"N/N, babe!! Get over here!" Haley shouts out to you and Alex, who are in the water having underwater breathing competitions. As you and Alex get out of the water and accompany Haley on the sand, you see her take out her camera. Suddenly, both Haley and Alex kiss your cheeks, and Haley's camera flashes. "Huh??" You say, flustered. Haley only giggles in response, showing you and Alex the picture she took.

"It's perfect"

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