"Confession Time" (Sebastian x Reader)

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Photo credits: Arkheon on Steam

*ring ring*

You hear your alarm sounding as it disrupts your well needed rest, you groan as you reach over and grab your phone to turn it off. As you turn off the alarm, you look at the date, February 14th, oh shit.

It's Valentines day.

You practically jump out of bed, and run over to the bathroom to get ready. Today was the day you were going to confess to a very special someone in your life, Sebastian. You two had been becoming pretty good friends over the past year, and you had promised yourself that on Valentines day of your second year on this farm, that you'd confess to him.

Your plan was simple, you would find Sebastian and just pop the question. You had thought of other things such as picnics and other cheesy romantic stuff but you decided to just stick to something simple, so if he rejected you, you wouldn't be as embarrassed and or butt hurt.

Just the thought of him rejecting you had you feeling  nervous, so you began to think positively in order to get ready. After you showered and got all ready, you headed out to Pierre's to get the bouquet.

"Good morning Y/N!" You hear Pierre say as you enter the small shop. "Good morning." You say, looking at him and giving him a small smile. "Is your farm doing well?" Pierre says, as you walk towards him. "Oh yes, it's doing just fine." You say, as you made it to the counter.

"So? What do you need?" Pierre says, looking up and down at you, presumably from how nice and clean you looked. "I need a bouquet." You say, awkwardly breaking eye contact and scratching the back of your neck. "Oooooh, who's the lucky person?" He says, smirking at you. "Just give me the bouquet Pierre." You say, feeling your cheeks warm up at the remark. "Okay okay, you kids and your Valentines day shenanigans." Pierre says, handing you a beautiful bouquet. As you pay, Pierre tries to get you to say who it's for but you simply avoid his questions and head out the door.

As you make your way up the mountain to Sebastian's house, you can help but notice the way your heart rushes and your hands get all sweaty as you get closer. As soon as you arrive to 24 Mountain Road, you hesitate before entering the house. Thinking to yourself, "This is it, no turning back now."

"Oh! Good morning Y/N!" Robin says as you walk in. "Good morning." You say, your voice almost trembling. "Is Sebastian here?" You say, looking around the room. "Of course, he's just in his room, is there something you ne-" Robin says, before looking down and noticing the bouquet in your hand. Before you knew it, she had run towards you from behind the counter and engulfed you in a hug. "Y/N! Are those for Sebby??" She says, pulling herself away. "Oh, yes?" You say, feeling almost embarrassed. "Oh my god, do you want me to call him for you?" She says, smiling brightly at you. "Oh no, it's ok Robin, i'll just go down." You say, smiling back at her. Robin nods, and practically skips back to her spot behind the counter, giving you a thumbs up.

As you head down the stairs to the basement, the feeling of your heart pounding and your hands sweating returns, and you hesitate at the door. You take a deep breath and knock.

*knock knock*

"Come in." You hear Sebastian say on the other side. You hide the bouquet behind your back before opening the door and heading inside. You see Sebastian behind his computer, clicking away at something, probably a game. "Good morning." You say, walking over to him nervously. "Oh Y/N, good morning." Sebastian says, smiling softly at you before turning around to face you. "What's up?" He says, making your stomach flip.

Well. It's time.

You take a deep breath before showing him the bouquet, and softly passing it to him. He sits in his chair, eyes wide as he looks down at the bouquet in his hands. "Will you be my boyfriend?" You say, eyes full of hope. Sebastian stays quiet, eyes no longer wide but are looking down at the bouquet for one moment and at you for another. A few seconds of this goes by, and the longer it lasts the more you feel nervous. You were about to say something when Sebastian interrupted you. "You want to get more serious?" He says, looking up at you with wide eyes.

"Yes?" You say, feeling your cheeks warm up once again. "I'd like that." Sebastian says, giving you a big, dorky smile. You feel a ton of weight lift off of your shoulders as you feel like you can finally breathe. You smile back at him as your cheeks burn up. Sebastian stands up, putting the bouquet on his desk, right before putting his hands on both of your cheeks (face cheeks ppl) and kissing you on the lips.

"I've been waiting too long to do that." He says as you two pull apart, smiling so bright that it practically lights up the room. You step back as you process everything that just happened with a goofy ass smile on your face. You and Sebastian look at each other for a little bit before you think of something.

"Oh! We should go on a date!" You said, nodding your head in excitement. Sebastian looks at you and chuckles, before reaching for his keys. "Well I have an idea."

You two then spend the rest of the day riding around on his motorcycle, and while you feel the wind rush past you as you and Sebastian's laughter and loud music fill the air, you think to yourself, "Yeah, this is the man I fell in love with."


When you two came back home after your joyride, you walk in to Demetrius giving Robin $20, grumbling to himself, which made you both laugh.

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