chapter 12

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No one's point of view

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and that statement couldn’t be anymore true.

Despite the distance between LAS Angeles and San Diego, Chris and Elizabeth didn’t seem to care.

Being away from each other only seems to make them appreciate each other even more.

The three days that they spent together before Chris and detective Garza’s departure seems to have sparked an indistinguishable flame between the two individuals.

The ongoing investigation doesn’t change how the detective feels about the primary suspect. In fact, it’s safe to say that Chris, just for a moment, has forgotten about the situation at hand but that moment of bliss is short lived.

“If I didn’t know you any better and actually wasn’t with you for the past three days, I’d actually think that you were stressed out about the investigation but I know exactly what you’re thinking about” detective Garza’s booming voice says as he approaches Chris’s table.

“oh yeah, what am I thinking about?” Chris asks with a cocked eyebrow.

“it’s not so much of a what but a who and it’s the Diosa of a woman who just happens to be the primary suspect to her husband’s murder and who has your virgin ass wrapped around her pinkie finger. Need I say more?” detective Garza says as he plumps himself onto his assigned seat. “I’m really worried about that by the way”.

“I really don’t understand what your problem is with her. She’s an amazing person man”. Chris says as she organises the already organised folders on her desk due to the discomfort their conversation is causing her.

“did you not hear me say that she might have killed her husband?” David asks incredulously.

“well, I know that she didn’t kill him” Chris says with a defensive tone.

“you don’t know that” David counters with his own defensive tone.

“I do know that, and how you may ask? Because there is no evidence incriminating her or placing her there at the time of the murder. She found him dead okay. That’s the evidence and evidence doesn’t lie” Chris says with a louder voice than intended, attracting the attention of the surrounding detectives and police officers. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore” she whispers as she gets up from her seat, gathers her blazer from the back of the chair and heads for the elevator.

“Look Ris, I didn’t mean to piss you off” David says, calling her by the nickname he gave her as he too takes his place in the elevator “I’m just trying to protect you”.

“Protect Me from what?” Chris asks as she presses the level 1 button of the elevator before turning to face David.

Hesitation is written all over his face which he immediately masks before saying “just heartbreak Ris, heartbreak”.

Silence fills the elevator as they descend. Once the elevator doors open they silently, as if upon agreement, both head for David’s car and still silently take their respective places in the car.

“I know you’re looking out for me and I appreciate, really I do but please let me figure this out on my own. I’m scared shitless man. You know this is the first time I feel this way. Please... please let me do this one okay?” Chris pleads as she turns to face David, giving him her infamous puppy dog eyes knowing how much it affects him.

“fine fine fine” David huffs as he puts on his seatbelt, Chris doing the same “but if they hurts you I swear to God I’m going to-

“Who’s they?” Chris asks.

“She...I mean she” David says rather suspiciously.

“you’re not going to hurt her” Chris cuts him off.

“Okay, but we will have a very long uncomfortable talk and I’m going to be the comfortable one” David says as he starts up the car “anyway, I-hop or waffle House?” he asks.

“Definitely waffle House” Chris answers as they hit the road.

Meanwhile in San Diego, Elizabeth is seated on the couch, consumed by thoughts not of her deceased husband but of the curly haired, bronze skin and chocolate eyed detective.

Nothing at the moment can disrupt her chain of thought, not even her best friend who’s been calling her name for the past five minutes.

“okay, I’m going to use your vibrator” Sandra says which snaps Elizabeth out of her head.

“I don’t have a vibrator and you know that” Elizabeth says with flushed cheeks. “plus, I’d never let you use it even if I had one. So unsanitary” she adds while shuddering at the thought.

“I just said that to get you out of your head. Bitch in case you forgot, I live here too and I’m an attention seeking bitch and right now you ain’t giving any attention and I’m not appreciating that” Sandra says in one breath, causing her San Diego accent to come out.

“You’re full of shit and also I have better things to do” Elizabeth says as she gets up from the couch to join Sandra in the kitchen.

“Mhmm, and I bet it’s thinking about your chocolate mousse detective with the serious face” Sandra says with a smirk on her face. “seriously, you haven’t been here since before she left” she continues as she places the dinner plates on the table.

“I’m sorry” Elizabeth sighs as she takes her seat “I know I might seem crazy but...she makes me feel different, a good different but different none the less. I mean sure we haven’t known each other for long but I can’t help how I’m felling” she huffs, dropping her head on the table causing a ‘bang’ to resonate through the kitchen.

“It’s okay baby” Sandra says as she lifts Elizabeth’s head off the table with her hands on her cheeks “she’s the first person who has actually made you feel something after such a long while. If anyone says anything against you guys, I’m going to pop an ass okay?” she says, causing a small giggle to leave the younger girl’s mouth.

“thank you so much. You’re the only person I’ve got left” Elizabeth says as she holds both of Sandra’s hands in her own.

“Hmmm, I don’t know. I feel like miss Hershey bar is going to be the only person in your life very soon and you’ll forget about lil ol’ me” Sandra claims jokingly as she takes her seat next to Elizabeth.

“never in a million years. She may hold my heart, but you own it” Elizabeth says as she grabs a hold of her fork and fills it with some spaghetti before shoving it into her mouth.

“Amen to that sister” Sandra claims before doing the same thing with her food.

No one can deny the truth in Elizabeth’s statement. Chris may hold her heart but Sandra will always own it. Being the only family and person in Elizabeth’s life for five years proves it.

Although, maybe Elizabeth’s heart isn’t the only organ that Chris holds.

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