chapter 9

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Chris's point of view

1 week later.

It's been exactly 7 days since i last saw Elizabeth and let me tell you, it's been long and hard. calling her is definitely not an option and going to see her is not a possibility as she is not staying at the hotel anymore. When I found out, I was pissed. Turns out David knew about it and now he has a nice crooked nose to remind him to never, ever keep anything concerning Elizabeth from me.

"You still mad at me?" Speak of the devil.

If he really thinks I'm just going to forgive him, he's got a whole new thing coming. Continuing with the silent treatment, I get up from my chair and head to the evidence board.

"Come on dude, hoes before bros right?" he says with his fist extended for a fist bump. frustration level skyrocketing, I turn to him with a straight face and growl.

"Don't you ever refer to her as a hoe again"I say as I walk past him, but not without bumping hardly into his shoulder and take the case files from my desk.

"Okay, I'm sorry." he pleads with a not so cute pout. 

"Okay 1, fix your face, 2, back up and 3, apology not accepted" I need more than an apology, so until he figures that out, he's going to be talking to air.

"I can tell you where she is" okay, now he has my attention.

"I'm listening." I say with no enthusiasm, on the outside, because on the inside i'm jumping of roofs.

"She's with a friend" friend?

"What friend?" As far as I know, she is alone on this earth, well if you count me then...Never mind.

"A Sandra Davis. All I know is that she's in San Diego"

"You're coming with me." I say without thinking.

The look on his face would have cracked me up if i was not so angry at him, or at least trying to look mad.

"You are coming with me" I repeat. I hope it's the last time.

"Coming with you?"

"Yes" I state.

"To San Diego?"

"No the moon. Yes San Diego." My sarcasm.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Maybe." No not maybe, I have completely lost my mind. "Look, if you want my forgiveness than you have to come with me." I say as i take my blazer from the back of my chair.

"You coming or what?" I ask.

Grunting, he drops the files that he was holding and follows me.

"We are going to regret this." He says 

I sure hope not.


Elizabeth's point of view

Tap Tap Tap...

Grunting I turn down the television volume to check on the intruder. 

Tap Tap Tap...

"I'm coming!" Damn, who is this impatient fellow?

"You better have a good explanation as to why you are... Detective?"

Okay, what is Chris's partner doing here?

"May I come in?" he asks

"Yeah, sure." I reply as I push the door wider to allow him entrance.

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