chapter 34

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Elizabeth’s point of view

Looking at myself in the mirror, I almost do not notice the woman looking back at me. Gone is the little, scared and puny Elizabeth. Say hello to the fierce, fearless and sexy Belinha, who is done hiding in the shadows. She’s ready to take life head on and actually come out victorious. She’s ready to give Omari Safia Christian Brooks a heart attack.

This day a year ago, Christian finally proposed to me and I accepted without hesitation and now, one year later I still have no second thoughts or doubts about my decision.

She is giving me a much better title than I had hoped for. Instead of making me just her girlfriend, today in an hour She is going to finally make me her wife and I couldn’t be happier.

She is the breath of fresh air that I needed my entire life. She’s the missing piece that I searched for in all my art. The is the hero to my damsel in distress story and she is love.

I’m trying hard not to cry as I look at myself in the mirror. I don’t want to cry because I don’t want to ruin my make up which Mia and Roxanne spent a lot of time on, but most importantly I don’t want to cry because today is not about tears. Whether they are tears of joy or sorrow.

Today I want to walk down that Isle to her and look into her chocolate pools for eyes and see myself. I want to see the love she has for me through her eyes and I want her to see my love through my eyes.

“Okay girl, this is it” Sandra says from behind me in her bridesmaid dress.

I’ve chosen Mia, Rachél, Mariana and Selena to be my bridesmaids. Obviously I chose my sister to be my maid of honour. I don’t think anyone deserves the position more than her.

“This is your day baby. No one is going to take this away from you...the both of you” she says, leaning over my shoulder.

She’s right. We both deserve this day, more than people think. I’d waited almost eight months to become hers officially and waited a year afterwards for this specific day, so if anyone has plans to ruin this day for me then I hope they are ready to see o diabo (the devil).

“She’s right. You only get married once so you’ve got to make the most of today” Rachél says, smiling brightly at me.

My relationship with the girls has really gotten better over the year. Mariana and Rachél really are great people to be around. They are both as funny as they are beautiful. Mariana’s boyfriend Kevin really is a clown and I say this in the best way possible.

Mia is a character. So much so that her and Sandra are called twins now because of their matching dramatic personalities. Mia is a sweet, loving woman. Her love for my brother is nothing short of admirable.

Selena and I didn’t really start off on a good note as I noticed that she used to give Safia the googly eyes which pissed me off tremendously but after some time she eventually told me how she felt about Safia but also how she felt about Alvin. Eventually she got over her infatuation with Safia and now we’re cool. Although I still have my reservations about her.

Last but not least there is Roxanne. Roxanne, where do I start? Well first of all she is exactly like Christian and I don’t just mean personality wise. Roxanne just so happens to be an intersex woman. I know right? Christian’s happiness when she found out could only be described as out of this world. She’s a surgeon, which explains how she met Sandra. Their relationship is beautiful and sincere it’s sickening.

But today is about me. No, it’s about Safia and I. Today we officially become one in the face of the earth. Everyone will refer to me as Belinha Elizabeth Garza Brooks. God I love the sound of that.

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