chapter 14

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Elizabeth’s point of view

“I really need a break from work and home” I hear Sandra say before she takes a seat on the couch “let’s go out tonight” she hits my thigh while saying.

“I’m not really in the mood to be surrounded by obnoxiously loud, drunk, smelly horny people in a tightly cramped up space” I say as I keep changing channels on the television, not finding anything interesting to watch.

“I mean, it’s either that  or you can stay here and flip through different channels only to not find anything interesting to watch and die of boredom” she Says dramatically, trying to sway me from my decision.

“In case you have forgotten, there are things such as Netflix and Hulu for such situations. Plus, I’ve got my phone with me” I say as I shake my phone in her face to emphasize my point.

“Oh yeah, and what are you going to do, call your new lover and talk for hours?” she asks while rolling her eyes.

“You know what, I just might” I reply with a mocking toothy smile causing her to scoff at me.

“Yeah, why don’t you do what you’ve been doing for the past week since the video call” she scoffs again as she snatches the remote out of my hand “It’s not like your best friend actually wants to spend time with you or anything” she snaps at me as she Flips through various channels before stopping at the desired one.

Her words make me feel guilty as I realize just how true they are. Ever since the phone call which caused my panic attack, Chris and I haven’t gone a day without face timing or just simple calling.

I’ve been spending so much time with Christian that I didn’t notice how I’ve been unintentionally ignoring the only person who has ever cared for me since she’s been a part of it.

“I heard that PROHIBITION has the best drinks in San Diego” I say trying to lighten the mood which seems to work as a smile breaks out on her face despite her trying not to show it.

“Yeah, It does” she says as she turns of the TV and faces me, a big smile plastered on her face “so does this mean you’re coming?” she asks with uncertainty laced in her voice, her baby blue eyes staring into my own causing all the memories we’ve ever created together to surface in my head reminding just how much she means to me and why I love her.

“You better get your most sexiest dress out because we are about to turn heads tonight” I say with an exaggerated high pitched tone causing her to squeal and laugh as she hugs me tightly.

“I’ve been waiting for this day” she says as she heads for her room, shaking her behind as she dances her way there.

Thoughts on the events of the previous day’s playing through my head. Memories that I’ve tried hard to forget keeping me up at night.

It seems as though the only time I get peace is when I’m talking to Chris. I’ve learnt more about her in these past days and to know that she is adopted just makes me feel that we have a deeper connection.

She makes me feel happy, safe and on another level of euphoria. I’m falling way too hard and way too fast for her. I just hope that she will be there to catch me, lord knows my heart can’t take another heartbreak.

Christian, Please don’t let my love go to waste.

We finally reach the underground door that leads to the PROHIBITION LOUNGE and push throughout it to be greeted by soft playing music, dimmed red lights and lounge couches.

“Good evening, may I offer you a table?” a waitress asks upon our entrance.

“Yes please” Sandra answers before we are lead to a lounge couch with a glass table in the front

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