Chapter 1

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It's Tuesday, September 10th, a seemingly normal day. If you consider normal a day where 7 people's lives change for the worst, that is.

"Alright, class! who can tell me what number 14 on the homework was?" says a teacher. She writes the problem on the board as she turns around, looking for the kids raising their hands. Everyone is silent, and Blake is fast asleep at his desk.

The teacher notices Blake and speaks in an annoyed tone, "Blake! Are you kidding me!?"

Blake jerks awake, "Huh? What's going on?"

"Blake, your behavior is unacceptable! This is the third time in a row!"

"Well, it's not my fault! I was tired!"

"Blake, I am tired of your disrespect, go to the office, NOW!"

"I didn't even disrespect you, I'm just saying-"

Mid-sentence Blake disappears. The class looks around in confusion while the teacher is stunned. The class starts to mutter as the teacher runs immediately to the classroom phone and calls for administration to come down.

Blake looks around and notices he's not in class anymore. He's able to tell he's in a dark room with only a couch as furniture.

Blake spins in place again, trying to make sense of where he is. His face is pale and he starts raising his voice, "W-what the?? Where am I?!" He sounds overwhelmed with fear.

A voice comes from the intercom, "Who on earth is making all that racket?" An anonymous voice says, "oh, it's just you. I suppose you're the first person to arrive."

Blake turns his head toward the voice and sees the intercom, he's even more confused, "What are you talking about?! Where am I?!"

"Calm down kid, wait until everyone gets here, it would be a bother to explain the rules every time a new person comes in."

Blake begins to beg, "You're not making any sense, just tell me what's going on, please! I need to leave here. I may have said I didn't like school but I would rather be there than here!"

"No way I'm letting you leave. Besides, you can't leave until we're finished. For now, have some patience kid, sit on the couch and look around while you're waiting or something."

Blake starts to raise his voice louder, "What in the world are you talking about?! Finished with what?! If you're gonna kidnap me, you should at least explain yourself!"

"If you know what's good for you, sit down and wait for everyone. Once everyone gets here, then I'll explain. For now, I'm not answering anything else."

"Fine!" Blake takes a seat on the couch and looks around the room. There's only one other thing in the room. It's a board.

Blake starts to mutter what he sees on the board, "1/7 players, waiting..." Blake looks confused, "What the-? Hey! What does this board mean?"

Silence is met by Blake.

"Dude! Ugh, whatever, you'll be explaining soon enough, I guess."

-Switch to Joseph-

"*Ok ok it's going to be fine, I have my note cards for the meeting and they're all in order. There's no way I can possibly mess this up,*" Joseph thinks to himself.

"Joseph? Is there a Joseph here?" says a receptionist.

"Yes, that's me!"

"Mr. Green is ready for you."

The moment the receptionist's sentence is completed, Joseph stands up from his chair, fumbling with his note cards to make sure they're still in the right order. As Joseph walks to the meeting room, an anxious feeling fills him as if something bad is about to happen to him. He tries to shake off the feeling and reassures himself the meeting will go fine. When he steps foot into the meeting room, Mr. Green greets him.

Mr. Green gives Joseph a faint smile as he welcomes him, "Hello Joseph, I look forward to seeing if you have any potential in becoming my next assistant. Close the door behind you, please."

Joseph returns the smile, "Of course, sir." He goes to close the door and walks to the front of the room. He clears his throat and begins his presentation. During Joseph's presentation, Mr. Green nods his head over and over, showing no emotion while he does so.

Joseph is nervous but he doesn't let it show, he starts thinking to himself, "*Shit, I can't read his expressions, I can't tell what he's thinking. Just keep going, you're doing fine.*"

He still can't seem to shake the feeling, he knows something bad is about to happen.

Around the middle of his presentation, Mr. Green stops him and starts talking, "Joseph, I've heard enough, it's safe to say that you-" But, Joseph wasn't there to hear the rest of that sentence, because he's disappeared.

It takes Joseph a few good seconds to realize he's not in the meeting room anymore. Once he realizes, he starts to scream, louder than Blake.

"W-what?? What's happening?! Why is it so dark and why am I here all of a sudden?!"

"Oh this is excellent, player number 2 is here now!" says the anonymous voice.

Joseph looks up and sees the intercom that the voice is coming from, "Huh?! You're not making any sense, take me back, I need to hear what Mr. Green said! Besides, why are you talking from that intercom?! Come on down, let's talk this out!"

"Yeah, you aren't gonna be leaving anytime soon, you've still gotta be here for a while. I'm not filling you in, I already did that for Blake, ask him. Also, get used to me talking from the intercom. You won't be seeing me in person for a while. Don't ask me any more questions, I'll be waiting until player 3 gets here."

"You didn't even fill me in!" Blake says back, but at that time the voice was already back to ignoring them.

As the anonymous voice steps off the intercom, Joseph turns to Blake, his expression looking terrified, "What. Was. That?"

"Some voice dude, he's really getting on my nerves. Anyways, all he told me was that he would explain everything once everyone got here? I don't know what he means by that but I don't assume it's good."

After Blake told him, Joseph started to complain, "Are you kidding me? Ugh! I was in the middle of something important, of course, something like this had to happen!"

During Joseph's complaining, Blake begins to zone out as he looks over to the board, and what it had said was different. Now it said, "2/7 players... waiting."

His face has a puzzled expression, "*I wonder what will happen when 7 people get here.*"

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