Chapter 4

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Blake's POV:

"*Holy shit, holy shit. I need to run, do not make contact with anybody.*"

I run as fast as my legs can take me, I'm not aware of anybody or anything, only the floor that I'm running on. When I think that I've ran far enough, I stop running and look for a space to hide in. I go into a bedroom and shut the door. I'm panting from all the running I did in such a short amount of time, I haven't done that in a while. I try to calm down and regain my energy, and I realize my role picker has finished spinning. I take a deep breath and hope for the best.

"*Please not murderer, anything but that. Please, I couldn't live with the guilt of killing someone.*"

I slowly look up above me and I see it. In big bold words, it reads Innocent. I release a huge sigh that I didn't even know I was building up. "*Thank god. I need to find more Innocent people. Besides, I can't hide here forever.*" I open the bedroom door and go on the search for more people that are Innocent.

Joseph's POV:

"*From every direction, a player is running. Everyone is trying to get away from each other because of their fears. I feel stuck in place, I'm not sure if I can move. It feels ironic, I told Lexi to get up and move yet I'm in the same position as she was. My role picker has finished spinning. There's no point in looking up slowly, I'll just get this over with.*" Above my head, it says Sheriff.

I let out a sigh, I'm not sure whether I should be disappointed or not. "*At least it's not murderer, that's all that matters,*" I think to myself as I force myself to start moving and go walking around the map.

Rachel's POV:

I run immediately towards the first hiding spot I see. "*I hate this. I can't get murderer, absolutely not, if anything happens do not turn into that side of yourself,*" I take a few deep breaths and slowly look up at my role picker.

With an anxious feeling taking over her whole body, she slowly looks up and the role. "*No. No. No. You have got to be kidding me. You cannot be serious.*" Murderer. I got the dreaded role of Murderer. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. That doesn't matter, I just have to do this, "*Whatever you do, don't get too competitive with this game, I can't have a repeat of last time,*" I leave my hiding spot to search for someone.

Chase's POV:

I start running away. I notice my role picker and look up. It's Innocent. "*Thank god, I'm glad it's not murderer, that would completely go against everything I've worked for. I need to go find the others, but I have to be cautious about how I approach everyone. I can't be getting killed when the game just started.*" I get up from his hiding spot in search of other Innocents.

Ana's POV:

"*Shit, shit, SHIT! Just run, don't look behind you or around. Focus on what's in front of you and you'll be fine. You can't die, not now and not ever. Find a hiding spot immediately and stay there until the round is over. It shouldn't be for too long.*"

I run around the map, looking for the best hiding spot I can see to ensure that I'll win. It takes around 3 minutes but I find one to rest in and settle down while regaining my composure.

"*I would assume my role picker has finished. There's no point in looking up slowly, not like the role will change. Just suck it up.*" I look up at my role. It's Innocent. "Thank the heavens, I would have been screwed if I was Murderer or even Sheriff. Well then, I'd assume there are about 7 or 8 minutes left, I'll just wait it out.*"

Carly's POV:

"*I'm so damn confused... are we actually doing this? I'm scared. Everyone else is running, I probably should too.*"I sprint down the halls of the map, not slowing down for anything. As a teenager, I used to be in track, but I never thought I would have to use what I learned like this. I find an empty guest bedroom, I run into it immediately. I'm not sure whether to hide in there the whole round or to go find someone, But I pass it off as a problem for my future self. "*I need to see what role I got, maybe if I look up faster, I'll get over it sooner.*" I follow my own advice and look up fast, "*It's Innocent... phew. That's so lucky. I wonder what everyone else got? Meh, doesn't matter, I'll be forgetting after the round ends anyways. I think I'll go see who else got innocent, I need to get on people's good sides.*"

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