Chapter 6

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"MANSION HAS BEEN LOADED, " says the robotic voice.

"I can't believe we have to do this again..." says Blake with despair in his voice.

"Blake," whispers Ana, "don't look upset, you need to have a neutral face. The more upset you look, the more you're a target for the murderer."

Blake looks at her skeptically, "Why are you trying to help me? How do you know I'm not the murderer?"

"I don't know that, I'm just trying to help everyone, I can't let you guys suffer how Carly did."

Blake's POV:

"*As calmly as she came up to me, she walks away from me the same way. Her face still has the same expression. Her eyes look dead and her face is completely relaxed as if she's done something like this before, as if she has experience.*"

-End of POV-

"The game will be starting in 10 seconds, players!" says X.


"*Shit okay, you've got this Joseph, if you think someone is the murderer, don't hesitate.*"


"*Listen to what Ana told you, Blake! You'll be fine!*"


"*Kill as many people as you can Rachel, you have to win.*"


"*You can do this Chase! You did it last time, now do it again.*"


"*You can't mess up like last time, Carly! Be more careful this time!*"


"*You've tried to warn and help everyone, Ana. Now it's on them to see if they'll help themselves or not.*"


"*You can do it, Lexi! Be positive and be smart!*"



"1... Game commencing"

"Good luck my players! Don't die! Or do, we'll see!" says X over the intercom letting out a maniacal laugh.

Once again, everyone takes off running in the opposite directions of each other. They're a little used to it now. They have an idea as to what they should do now.

Ana's POV:

"*Do what you did last time, do not come out of your hiding spot, for the love of God. If you hear something, ignore it, it's the best option.*"

I sprint to my hiding spot from the last round and get into it immediately, I pray that no one saw me.

Carly's POV:

"*Ok ok, you have a second chance, please don't mess this one up. You have to survive, Carly, do it for her.*"

I run around the map, panicking, trying to look for the best possible hiding spot. I'm trying to be more aware of everything around me, I refuse to die like last time, absolutely not. "*Over there!*" I find a supply closet and stuff myself in it, closing the door as fast and quietly as possible.

Rachel's POV:

"*Did someone just go into the supply closet? Do my eyes deceive me? That seemed fairly easy to find someone, is this a trick?*" I pause for a second, realizing what I'm saying, "*What is wrong with you?! Stop doing that, just do what you have to do, and stop trying to have fun with this.*"

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