Chapter 22

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The intercom turns on again, except this time, it's Leo speaking.

"What do you think I'm doing, Anthony? Take a guess since you're so smart."

Anthony's face goes pale, "Leo, don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing."

Behind the intercom, Leo is smiling, he looks as if he's about to have the time of his life.

Leo starts laughing mischievously, "I'm doing exactly what you think I'm doing,"

Anthony's face falls to a frown, and a tear falls as he screams out, "DON'T YOU DARE, LEO! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T DO THIS AGAIN!"


Anthony turns his head and sees the look of despair on his player's faces. He starts to beg, "Leo, please, PLEASE, let me explain what you're going to do before you do it. They need to know."

"Fine, I don't care if you do, I doubt they'll be able to escape this anyways. Also, Anthony, I did say I wouldn't do this again UNLESS you did something to break the rules. Which is exactly what you did," says Leo.

"That doesn't mean you have to punish them for it!" says Anthony.

Behind the intercom, Leo rolls his eyes, "Anthony, my dear brother, the rule was that if you seem to take their side or be nice to them during ANY part of the game, then I do this. I was willing to let your mistakes slide, remember what I said? Now that you've made another mistake, you're going to get double the punishment."

A look of realization falls on Anthony's face as he starts muttering curse words.

Leo continues speaking, "So, 'my players' if you wanna blame someone for what I'm about to do, blame Anthony, or how you used to call him, X."

"Anthony, what the hell is he talking about?!" says Blake.

"I'll explain now... Whenever I seem to be 'too nice' to the players instead of remaining neutral or against them, Leo adds an unexpected challenge, I don't even find out about it unless I open the exit door and see this goddamn absolute cursed room. This is considered to be Leo's 'double punishment.' It's considered double because while it hurts you guys physically, it always ends up hurting me emotionally."

Everyone goes silent. They're unsure of what to say. It seems to be like this only for a bit.

"Anthony, what exactly is the challenge..?" says Ana.

"That's the thing... I don't know. He never tells me, I only find out once you guys do. All I know is that he only stops once two people are dead."

The atmosphere in the room turns cold. A shiver goes down everyone's back.

"Excuse me?" says Ana.

Anthony can't stop himself from crying, he tries to keep his voice calm, "You heard me, once he starts the challenge, please be as alert as you can possibly be. If he can't kill anyone after a bit, he gives up. Work as a team, be coordinated, and be 10x more alert than you guys were in the games."

"Please don't blame yourself, Anthony. You were just being a normal human!" says Lexi.

"Lexi's right! You were just letting your emotions get the best of you, you wanted to root for what was right. There's nothing wrong with that, Anthony, it just means you're human!" says Carly.

"Ugh! Can you all shut it with this sappy stuff? Moving onto my favorite part, let's start. Watch out for the top," says Leo as he laughs maniacally.

"Wait a minute, that note wasn't a hint??" says Joseph with panic rising in his voice.

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