Chapter 9

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It's the day after the 3rd round, and everyone is sitting in the lobby. The silence is deafening and there's a great amount of tension in the room. They know they have to talk about yesterday, but it seems unlikely to talk about it without an argument between them forming, it's the last thing they need. But, someone has to start it.

"You know... I really think we should begin talking," says Lexi.

"Just wait a bit, Lexi," says Blake.

"But why? It's been hours and we should talk, we should prevent this from happening again," says Lexi.

"I said to wait. I still need time," says Blake.

"Enough time has passed, Blake. I think it's time we started talking," says Carly.

"Nobody asked you, Carly," says Blake.

"Blake... c'mon now, let's not," says Chase.

"I said I don't want to talk, leave me alone," says Blake.

"I don't think we can do that. This is a bit of an urgent matter, you know that, right?" says Ana.

"Be quiet. Please," says Blake. His tone sounds horrible. It's a mix of anger and fear. His eyes look glassy, as if he's about to cry.

"Guys, let's not, if he doesn't wanna talk about it, he doesn't have to. But, I will admit that this is a very important matter to discuss. So, Blake, if you wanna leave while we talk about this you are more than welcome to,"  says Joseph.

"Really?" says Blake.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna force you to listen, go ahead," says Joseph motioning him to leave.

"It's ok, Blake! When you're ready, I can fill you in on what happened!" says Rachel.

Blake nods his head and walks out of the lobby.

"Well, now that he's gone, let's begin. Does anyone have any ideas as to what the hell happened?" says Joseph.

"Do you think the murderer could've trapped us?" says Chase, "they could've lured us in and then finished the job."

"That's definitely a possibility," says Ana.

"I agree," says Rachel nodding her head.

"Do you guys have any suspicions on who you think it is?" says Carly.

"Nope, can't say I know anything about anyone's roles," says Rachel.

Everyone nods in agreement to what Rachel said, except for one...

"Chase?" says Joseph "you didn't answer the question..."

"*Shit!*" Chase laughs it off, "Yeah, my bad guys! I was zoning out, but yeah, I don't have any suspicions as to who it is," Chase gives a fake smile.

"Ok good! You promise that you'll tell us if you suspect anyone?" says Rachel returning a fake smile right back. It's only a matter of time before they both expose each other.

"Yeah... I promise!" says Chase.

"How do you guys think everyone died?" says Lexi.

"What do you mean, Lexi?" says Carly.

"I mean that even if the murderer killed everyone, how would the murderer die too? Do you think the murderer killed themselves so they wouldn't be exposed?" says Lexi.

"Well. That definitely brings a new perspective on things," says Chase.

"Indeed..." says Joseph.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I don't think the murderer killed themselves," says Ana.

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