Chapter 16

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Everyone walks over to the 3rd door, the 3rd stage of the obstacle course. After they finish this stage, they will be halfway done.

"Chase, if you may?" says X.

"Yeah yeah, I know," says Chase as he walks over to the door and opens it.

Once he opens the door a look of confusion overtakes the players.

Inside the door was a playground. It looked completely normal too, nothing looked off-putting or unusual, it was just your average playground. Swings, see-saws, balance beams, rock-climbing wall, slides, and a sandbox.

"A playground..?" says Joseph.

"X, what is the meaning of this?" says Ana.

"It's exactly what it looks like, a playground. What, you guys don't like playgrounds?" says X.

"We know it's a playground, what kind of 'deadly' stage can we do in a playground?" says Joseph.

"I wouldn't underestimate the playground, Joseph," says X, "since you guys seem to not understand, I'll start explaining. In this stage, you will be playing the very famous game, Tag!"

"Excuse me?" says Chase.

"Yup! All of you are going to play Tag! Let me begin with the rules of this game! This stage is pretty similar to your average Tag game, but there are a few differences. I will be choosing a 'tagger,' this tagger will need to tag everyone and if not, they will be losing half of their lives," says X.

"How exactly are planning to choose?" says Blake.

"The same way your roles from the past games were decided, randomly."

As if on cue, a role picker was on everyone's head, just like when the games from before first started. The only difference was that there were only 2 roles, tagger, and runner.

"Not again," says Carly.

5 seconds pass and the role pickers are done spinning.

"I assume that you all have gotten your roles for this stage, I would like all of you to look up and see what you've gotten. Also, I want the tagger to raise their hand, they can go into the playground first for 2 minutes to look around," says X.

Everyone hesitantly looks up, but only one person among them has a shocked face.

"It's me, I'm tagger," she says while raising her hand.

"Lexi?? You're tagger?" says Rachel.

"That's correct," says Lexi as she steps up.

"Ooo! Now that I think about it, that actually works out quite well," says X.

"What are you talking about?" says Lexi.

"Well, playgrounds are like your expertise, after all, you are in elementary school. You do something like Tag almost every day," says X.

"Oh... actually, you're right, X," says Lexi.

"Exactly! Be careful guys, you're gonna lose half of your lives to a 10-year-old! Ha!" Says X.

"Be quiet, X. Tell us what the rest of the rules are," says Rachel.

"Well, I don't see why not since you asked so nicely," says X with sarcasm in his voice, "if you guys get tagged, you will lose half of your lives. You will need to wait inside the sandbox after you're tagged and wait for the stage to finish."

"Is that all? Or can we go into the playground now?" says Chase.

"Hold on! Lexi still needs to go in for 2 minutes before you guys go in," says X, "go ahead, Lexi. You have 2 minutes in that playground by yourself, when you're done, I'll send everyone else in."

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