Chapter 17

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"Let's get started," says X, "you guys know what to do, right?"

"I'm aware," says Chase as he opens the door to the 4th stage.

As Chase opens the door, the players can see what the inside looks like. Inside was a normal room, it seemed larger than most rooms but nothing was out of place or unusual.

"I'm confused, what type of game are we supposed to play in here?" says Ana.

"I agree, this looks like a room in my house, I doubt we could do anything in here," says Blake.

"Dude, you are 100% rich then, look at the size of that room!" says Chase.

"Wow, you guys really are dumb," says X, "try and think. My ideas for games aren't always fighting or shooting, sometimes they can be casual games as well."

"Casual?" says Lexi.

"That's correct. This is a game that all of you have played at least once, if you haven't, that's quite sad," says X.

"What kind of game is sad if you've never played it?" says Rachel.

"I've got it, I think I know what game he's talking about!" says Blake.

"Those words coming from you don't make me trust it very much," says Joseph.

"No, I'm serious!" says Blake, "the game that X is talking about has been around since forever, which is why he's saying it's sad if we've never played it."

"What's the game?" says Carly.

"It's Hide and Seek," says Blake.

"That's correct! This is surprising, I think this is the first time Blake has guessed something correctly!" says X.

"At least give me some credit dude, I'm not that dumb," says Blake.

"Yeah, yeah, you get your credit. Moving on, Hide and Seek is what we will be playing. I would pay attention even more now to what I'm saying, the stakes are about to get much more extreme," says X.

"What do you mean?" says Rachel.

"What I mean is that starting now, every single stage can have you lose all of your lives. These are the final stages, I had to increase the risk somehow," says X.

A look of fear falls upon the players.

"All of you know how to play Hide and Seek, correct?" says X.

"Of course, everyone has played it," says Joseph.

"Then you know all of the rules associated with playing Hide and Seek. But, now, let me tell you my own rules on the matter of the game," says X.

"And those rules are?" says Ana.

"Before the game starts, you get 2 minutes. You can use this time to look around the map, get familiar with it and find a hiding spot. You can hide in the same spot as someone else but only 3 people to a spot, personally I would recommend finding your own spot, that way if you ever get found, it's less of a penalty," says X.

"Is this gonna be like tag?" says Rachel.

"No, if I made one of you find everyone else, who knows how many of you will die?" X goes silent for a moment before speaking again as if his own words hurt him, "ahem, that wouldn't be very fun for me, now would it?"

"How long is this round gonna last?" says Lexi.

"10 minutes, it's not too long but it's not too short. Although, for you guys, it might feel like an eternity," says X.

"Very funny of you, X. But, if none of us are going to find each other, who is?" says Carly.

"Do you guys remember the robotic voice?" says X.

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