Chapter 7

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Joseph is usually the first one awake out of the rest of the players. He makes it his duty to wake everyone up. Knocking on each door, every player comes out at least the slightest bit annoyed.

He gets to Rachel's door. She slowly walks out with head down.

Joseph looks worried, "Rachel? Is everything alright?"

Rachel doesn't look up yet, her expression seems alarmed "*Did he hear me talking to X last night? He couldn't have, the walls are soundproof!" she thinks to herself.

"Rachel?" Joseph asks again, seeming even more worried.

I finally see that as my cue to respond, "Oh! I'm sorry, Joseph. I'm just zoned out, I'm always like this when I wake up."

Joseph looks straight at Rachel, he's silent. After a few seconds of silence, he begins to speak, "Your eyes seem puffy, there's some ice in the fridge you can use for that," says Joseph. He goes onto the next door.

Once everyone is gathered in the lobby, Joseph begins to speak, "Alright! I was thinking we could walk around. We haven't had the time to really recognize the places in here, we've been too busy with the games."

"I like that! I think it could give us more time to get to know each other as well," says Carly enthusiastically.

"Precisely!" replies Joseph, "Does everyone agree?"

Everyone nods in agreement as they get up from their seats and walk out of lobby.

The group walks around the place they're trapped in, there aren't a lot of places to go to. No one is saying a word, the atmosphere feels weird, and it feels awkward. The group knew this place was small, but just walking around all of it really makes them realize it. Everyone is realizing fast that this isn't what they thought the walk around the place was going to be like.

The situation everyone is stuck in is seems to make a few players tense.

"This place is the absolute tiniest thing I've ever seen, there's no way it's meant to be this small," says Blake.

"There's no point in complaining Blake, we're stuck with this place until all the games are over, just deal with it," says Ana.

"Yeah, I agree with Ana, there's no point," says Carly.

"I was just saying. There's no need to be so uptight about it."

"We're not being uptight Blake, you seem to be the one being uptight, try to calm down," says Ana.

"You're telling me to be calm? We just went through a killing game AND we still have 13 more to go! I think I can be a little uptight!"

"So you're admitting you're being uptight right now? You know what, Blake?'s whatever, never mind," says Ana. She tries to calm her tone to diffuse the situation that she feels is about to happen, but she doesn't think it's working.

"No, c'mon, say it! Say what you wanna say, don't hide it! You're allowed to say what you wanna say."

"Yo, Blake, calm down, just leave it. Fighting like this will not help us at all," says Chase.

"Chase, stop acting like your some savior to us or something, you're not. We might as well argue, after all, I doubt X wants us to make friends or something."

"Blake... I agree with Chase," says Rachel, "We may be in a killing game, but that doesn't mean we're not supposed to make friends. The games only last at the most, 10 minutes, and we don't even remember any of it. If anything, I would say X wants us to make friends so it could cause more problems."

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