Chapter 10

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It's the next day and it's time for the 4th round of the game.

"Guys! C'mon it's time to get up!" says Joseph knocking loudly on everyone's door, "I wanna discuss a few things before the game starts!"

Blake is the first to come out, "Dude, what the hell, you're so loud," he rubs his eyes as he walks out.

"Blake, it's 11 AM, there's no way you just woke up. Besides, I wanna talk about a few things before we go into the game."

"Whatever, I'm going to the lobby, you better hurry up and get everyone else out of their dorms," Blake starts walking away.

After Blake, Rachel is next to leave her dorm. "Good morning, Joseph! I'll just hurry and go onto the lobby!" says Rachel leaving as fast as she got up.

"Um, alright Rachel! "*she's a little too energetic but it's fine I suppose.*"

Rachel walks into the lobby, "Hi Blake! How are you doing?"

Blake gives an annoyed laugh, "Well, I was good until I got woken up, you're as loud as him, you know that?"

"I'll just take that as a compliment. Anyways, I'm looking forward to working with you, Blake! We'll make a great team!" says Rachel holding her hand out for a handshake.

"Yeah, I suppose we will," he says as he takes her hand and shakes it.

"We're all here!!" says Lexi announcing everybody else's entrance.

"Yes we are, Lexi, so, Joseph, what did you want to talk about before the game?" says Carly taking a seat on one of the couches.

"Well, I was thinking, should we stay in our same teams? Or we could maybe switch the teams up?" says Joseph.

"What's the need for switching the teams?" says Rachel, "if everyone will just die again, there's no point in switching."

"It's just an idea, it's not exactly foolproof yet," says Joseph, "hmm, would anyone like to work by themselves at all? No one will get mad if you do."

One person raises their hand. "Actually... I would prefer to work on my own."

"That's fine, Chase, but since there's going to be no one watching over you and keeping you in line, make sure you don't do anything stupid," says Joseph.

"Got it," says Chase, "*I refuse to let you win, Rachel.*"

"*Perfect,*" thinks Rachel.

"Enough of your scheming, players! It's time for the game to begin!" says X over the intercom.

"TELEPORTING TO MANSION," says the robotic voice.

"Countdown beginning..."


"I need to get away from everyone," says Chase.


"Let's survive this, Ana! Take my hand," says Carly reaching out her hand for Ana to take.


"Of course, Carly, we can survive," says Ana taking Carly's hand.


"This will be our first official game working together as partners, Blake!" says Rachel.


"Yeah, you're right, let's do this," says Blake giving a faint smile.






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