Chapter 21

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As they walk into the hall, it's hard to see anything, you can barely see your own hands.

"Is it just me, or does this hall look pitch black?" says Lexi.

"It's not just you, be careful, we need to be mindful of where we step," says Ana.

X starts talking from the intercom, "Is there no light in that hall?"

"That's correct, we can't see a thing," says Chase.

"I apologize, let me fix that," says X. The lights flicker for a bit and then stay on. It's not much light, but you're still able to see, "You guys have been through enough, relax for a bit, and get to know each other while you're at it!"

"Thank you, but we got to know each other at the beginning of the game," says Lexi.

"All you guys know is the basics about each other! Talk about what your life was like before this, I'm sure it'll be quite a story!" says X. He stops talking through the intercom, leaving the players to socialize one last time.

"Alright! I don't see why not?" says Carly.

"That's true, so who wants to start?" says Ana.

"I suppose I can start," says Joseph, "Let's see, well I had a job interview before this whole thing. Like RIGHT before, I was taken away before it was able to finish."

"Really? So that's what you meant when you said, Mr. Green! Was he the interviewer?" says Blake.

"Yeah, I was so angry during then, I thought I did pretty well and I was taken away right before Mr. Green made his decision," says Joseph.

"What was the interview for? What job were you trying to get?" says Lexi.

"Some dumb job in sales. I tend to look for jobs in sales or business but I don't really enjoy it all that much," says Joseph.

"What do you wanna be?" says Chase.

"I'd love to be a CEO of my own company one day, that's why I'm staying in this type of job, I need to work myself up," says Joseph.

"Do you have any idea for what your company would be?" says Rachel.

"Probably cars, I love seeing how they work and how to build them," says Joseph. His eyes are lighting up just talking about it.

"I think you'll be able to do it, good luck," says Blake.

"Thank you, it means a lot," says Joseph with a smile on his face.

"I suppose I can go next," says Ana.

"Alright! I'm not gonna lie, I've always been curious as to what you work as," says Carly.

"I'm a forensic scientist, personally, as a kid seeing them in tv shows always ignited a spark in me," says Ana.

"I think it really fits you!" says Carly with a wide smile on her face.

Ana returns the smile.

"What's a forensic scientist?" says Lexi.

"I collect evidence at a crime scene, and then I use it to get fingerprints and all that stuff to help in an investigation," says Ana.

"Ohhh, I've seen those people on tv before! It does fit you!" says Lexi.

"Thank you, Lexi."

"Well, we might as well go from oldest to youngest, so I'm next!" says Carly.

"Oooo, what does the legendary Carly do for work?" says Ana teasingly.

"Shush! Anyways, I'm a fashion designer! I was always interested in clothes as a teen, and I suppose the phase just never went away," says Carly.

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