Chapter 14

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"Now then, I will explain the first stage of the obstacle course that needs to be completed. This stage will be called... Gadget Blast!" says X.

"That sounds like a video game," says Joseph skeptically.

"Oh, I'm aware. It sounds more fun like that!" says X, "anyways, let me explain what will occur in this stage. First, all of you need to grab one of the gadgets laid out on the table in front of you. After all of you have grabbed a gadget, a timer will start. The timer will be set for 5 minutes and in those 5 minutes, you need to find 10 targets and shoot them. The catch is that these targets are hidden. You will need to communicate with everyone and search every crevice of the room. Any questions?"

Joseph inspects the gadgets, "These things are able to shoot?"

"I assure you, Joseph, every single one of those gadgets can shoot just fine," says X.

"You said something about a room, X. What room are you talking about?" says Carly.

"Don't worry, you'll see, it's better to show you than explain," says X.

"Um, alright?" says Carly.

"Now then, hurry up! It's time to start the first stage," says X.

One by one, everyone takes a gadget.

"You know, it's not too late to go back to the last 10 games, you sure you guys wanna do this?" says X.

"We're sure," says Ana.

"Alright, just making sure," X says while laughing, "it's time to take you guys to the room the stage will take place."

After X had said that, the robotic voice was back.

"Teleporting players to room," says the robotic voice.

In less than a second, the players were in the new room. The room was massive, it wasn't lit very well but you could still see around you.

"There's no way we can find the targets in a room like this," says Rachel.

"Trust me, you guys can definitely find all of them," says X.

"And if we don't..?" says Lexi.

"Considering this is the first stage, you'll only lose half of your lives. Now then, the 5-minute timer starts... NOW! Good luck, players," says X.

Everyone starts sprinting in different directions, looking for the targets.

"Found one!" shouts Chase, shooting the first target. It's only been around 5 seconds since the timer started.

"I see one!" shouts Joseph.

"Go get it then!" shouts Blake.

"I can't reach it! It's too far up, I can't jump that high!"

"I got it!" shouts Carly. Carly sprints in the direction where the target is and jumps so far that nobody can believe their eyes. She shoots the target and sprints toward the opposite direction to look for more.

They've already found 2 targets but there's still so much space to cover to find the other 8.

"Guys! We're gonna need a plan for this if we wanna win!" shouts Ana.

"Do we have enough time to discuss one?" shouts Chase.

"We do, it'll be fine! Everyone, come here!" shouts Ana motioning everyone to come closer to her.

"I've already thought of something so I just need you guys to hear me out. Carly, I need you to pay more attention to the higher grounds of the room, nobody can jump as high as you so I trust you to focus on the higher places," says Ana.

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