Chapter 20

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It's been around a day since Lexi was taken to the infirmary, and everyone is worried sick.

Everyone is silent in the lobby, you could almost hear a pin drop. Someone decides to speak up.

"Hey, X?" says Rachel.

X looks around the room carefully before he speaks. His boss is there.

"What are you looking at? One of your players is trying to ask you something, turn back around," says X's boss.

"Yes sir," says X as he sighs, "What do you need, Rachel?"

"Where exactly is Lexi? I know she's in the infirmary, but I think you only showed Joseph where that was."

"Did I? I didn't realize," says X with a tone that's hard to read.

"*What the hell? Why is he talking like this? Just yesterday, he was congratulating us with joy in his voice. Can he not talk freely?*" Rachel thinks to herself.

"Yes, you did. Could you tell us where the infirmary is too? I think it's only fair," says Rachel. There's a hint of cautiousness in her voice.

"Of course, as you said, it's only fair. The infirmary is near the cafeteria, you should find it easily," says X. His voice is numb.

As everyone gets up to find the infirmary, Blake starts speaking, "Why did you only tell Joseph?" His voice sounds dangerous.

"Joseph was the only one that asked," X says as he returns the same tone of voice as Blake.

"You are supposed to tell us when a new room opens up. Why didn't you?"

"Blake, just leave it. I'm confused on that too, but let's just be glad that he told us now," says Chase.

"I'm not doing that! I don't get why X is doing this, he's acting so bipolar! His mood is happy one second, and the next he's trying to get on our nerves!"

"Blake, I'm telling you, just leave it. Get up now. We're going to the infirmary," says Chase. His tone is more urgent. He knows why X acts so different at times, and now that Blake has said that, there's a chance he might've gotten X in danger.

"Fine!" says Blake as he walks out of the lobby along with everyone else.

X turns off his mic and just sits there, silent.

"What exactly did Blake mean by that? Since when are you 'happy?'" says X's boss.

X's eyes widen in fear, he calms himself down immediately, and turns around, "To be honest, I'm not sure. It was probably just him overreacting like always, after all, it is Blake that we're talking about."

"Don't bullshit with me. Have you been being nice to them behind my back?" says X's boss.

"I would never do that. I told you that I want to see them again, I wouldn't do anything to put that in jeopardy!"

"I must admit, I find it brave that you're lying right to my face, you're even looking straight into my eyes while you do it. But, I also find it idiotic. You can't lie to me, nobody can. I'll just see right through it."


"You heard me, X. No one can lie to me, I appreciate the bravery though. I'll tell you what, I won't get you in trouble now, but if you lie to me again, you'll get twice the punishment, understand?"

"I understand, sir."

"Glad we cleared that up, now then, pay attention to your players, they just got to the infirmary."

"Yes sir," says X as he turns back around to look at the cameras.

"Lexi!" says Carly as she goes to hug her.

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